Relative clause, bir ismi tanımlayan cümledir. Ancak tek başına kullanılamaz. Bir temel cümleye bağlı olarak tanımladığı isimden sonra gelir. Bir ismi tanımladığı için relative clause "adjective clause" biçiminde de isimlendirilebilir.
Sıfat tanımladığı isimden önce gelir. Relative clause ise tanımladığı isimden sonra gelir.
- The student who is the best in the classroom is Ayşe. (relative clause)
- The best student in the classroom is Ayşe. (adjective)
- The money which was stolen from the bank hasn't been found yet. (relative clause)
- The stolen money hasn't been found yet. (adjective)
Relative clause'lar, tanımlayan (defining) ve tanımlamayan (non-defining) biçiminde ikiye ayrılır.
Defining relative clause, bir ismi tanımlayarak diğerlerinden ayırt etmemizi sağlar.
"The man" dediğimiz zaman karşımızdaki kişi hangi adamdan söz ettiğimizi anlayamaz.
Ancak, "the man who is standing at the corner" (köşede duran adam) ifadesinde "the man" artık belli bir kişi durumuna geçmiştir.
Defining relative clause, bir ismi tanımlayarak diğerlerinden ayırt etmemizi sağlar.
"The man" dediğimiz zaman karşımızdaki kişi hangi adamdan söz ettiğimizi anlayamaz.
Ancak, "the man who is standing at the corner" (köşede duran adam) ifadesinde "the man" artık belli bir kişi durumuna geçmiştir.
Non-defining relative
clause, zaten
tanımlanmış bir isimden sonra gelir. "My father" dediğimiz zaman, karşımızdaki kişi kimden söz edeceğimizi zaten anlamış
durumdadır. Eğer biz bu ismi bir daha tanımlıyorsak bu non-defining relative clause'dur. Yani o isim hakkında fazladan bilgi
veren bir cümleciktir:
"my father, who lives in Germany..." (Almanya'da oturan babam....)
"my father, who lives in Germany..." (Almanya'da oturan babam....)
- The man who will come
to see you tomorrow wants to do business with you. (Defining)
Yarın seni görmeye gelecek olan adam seninle iş yapmak istiyor. - Mr. Jones, who will come to see you tomorrow, wants to do business with you. (Non-definin)Yarın seni görmeye gelecek olan Mr. Jones seninle iş yapmak istiyor.
Tanımlayacağımız isim, tanımlayan cümlede özne
durumundaysa, onun yerine kullanabileceğimiz sözcükler who, that ve which dir.
"Crowd, audience, class" gibi grup isimleri, insanlardan oluşmalarına rağmen,eğer kurumu
kastediyorsak, tekil bir fiille that ya da which
kullanmayı gerektirir. Ancak bu kurumu
oluşturan bireyleri kastediyorsak, çoğul bir fiille who kullanılır ki bu kullanım defining relative
clause için pek yaygın
- Who, sadece insanlar için, which bütün cansız varlıklar ve hayvanlar için, that ise hepsi için kullanılabilir.
"Crowd, audience, class" gibi grup isimleri, insanlardan oluşmalarına rağmen,
- A staff is inevitably inefficient. It is not well-trained.
- A staff which/that is not well-trained is inevitably inefficient.
- The staff are calling for a strike. They are dissatisfied with their conditions.
- The staff, who are dissatisfied with their conditions, are calling for a strike.
- I congratulated the student. She got the highest mark.
- I congratulated the
student who got the highest mark.that got the highest mark.
- Can you repair the chair? It is in the study room.
- Can you repair the chair which is in the study roo that is in the study room?
Relative clause tanımladığı
isimden sonra gelir.
Bu nedenle, tanımlayacağımız isim
temel cümlenin öznesi ise, relative clause özne ile
yüklemin arasında yer alır.
- The student is happy. She got the highest mark on the test.
- The student who got the highest mark on the test is happy.
- that got the highest mark on the test
- The chair is broken. It is in the study room.
- The chair which is in the study room it
- that is in the study room
Bazen tanımladığımız
isme ait başka
sözcükler olabilir. Bu
durumda relative
clause, bu sözcüklerden sonra gelir.
- There is someone at the door. He wants to see you.
- There is someone at the door who wants to see you. (Kapıda sizinle görüşmek isteyen biri var.)
Who, that ve which'den sonra gelen fiilin tekil ya da çoğul olması tanımladığı
isme bağlıdır. Eğer isim tekil ya da sayılamaz ise tekil bir fiil: çoğul bir
isim ise çoğul bir fiil kullanılır.
- The person who lives next to us is an engineer.
- The people who live next to us are very friendly.
- The plate which is on the counter is dirty.
- The plates which are on the counter are dirty.
- The milk which is in the bottle is for the baby.
Relative clause ile temel cümlenin tense'i farklı zamanlara ait
- The man who was run over by a truck yesterday is in the intensive care unit now.
- I don't think the chair which was broken yesterday can be repaired.
Ancak, bazı durumlarda, tense uyuşması gerekebilir. Örneğin "I congratulated the student .... " ifadesini "who gets the highest mark" biçiminde tamamlayanlayız. Çünkü "kutladım"
diyebilmemiz için tanımladığımız ismin bir şey yapmış olması gerekir. Yani
o da past time'a aittir.
- I congratulated the student who got the highest mark.
- I helped the woman who had difficulty carrying the heavy shopping bags.
- They will give a prize to the person who wins the competition.
- They gave a prize to the person who won the competition.
Tanımlayacağımız isim, tanımlayan cümlede nesne durumunda
ise insanlar için who, whom, that; cansız varlıklar, hayvanlar ve grup isimleri için which, that kullanılır.
- The applicant is suitable for the job.
- We interviewed her yesterday.
- The applicant who we interviewed yesterday is suitable for the job.
- whom we interviewed yesterday is suitable for the job.
- that we interviewed yesterday is suitable for the job.
The book is very interesting.
I bought it last week.
The book which I bought last week is very interesting.
that I bought
last week is very interesting.
Tanımlayacağımız isim, tanımlayan cümlede nesne durumunda
ise who, whom, that ve which relative
sözcüklerini kullanmayabiliriz.
The applicant we interviewed yesterday is suitable for the job.
The book I bought last week is very interesting.
The man was a sales representative.
We met him yesterday.
The man who we met
yesterday was a sales
whom we met yesterday was a sales representative.
that we met
yesterday was a sales
Ø we met yesterday was a sales
Tanımlayacağımız isim tanımlayan cümlede bir
preposition'ın nesnesi durumunda kullanılmışsa, bu preposition relative
clause'da da kullanılır
The man wasn't satisfied with
the deal.
I bought this car from him.
The man who I bought this car from wasn't satisfied with the deal.
whom I bought this car from wasn't satisfied with the deal.
that I bought this car from wasn't satisfied with the deal.
Ø bought this car from wasn't satisfied with
the deal.
Tanımladığımız isme ait preposition'ı relative sözcüğünden önce
kullanırsak, insanlar için sadece "whom", nesneler için ise sadece "which" kullanılır.
The man from whom I bought
this car wasn't satisfied with
the deal.
The case about which I
told you is very important.
The girl is very messy. I'm sharing the
flat with her.
The girl who I'm sharing
the flat with
is very messy.
whom I'm sharing the flat with is very messy.
that I'm sharing
the flat with
is very messy.
Ø I'm sharing the flat with is very messy.
The girl with whom I'm sharing the flat is very messy.
Tanımladığımız isim, tanımlayan cümlede iyelik bildiriyorsa,
hem insanlar hem de nesneler için "whose" kullanılır.
Do you know the man? His car was stolen.
Do you know the man whose car was stolen?
The man is our next-door neighbour. I want to buy his car.
The man whose car I want to buy is our next-door neighbour.
Can you repair the chair? Its legs are broken.
Can you repair the chair whose legs are broken?
The book was my friend's. I accidentally tore its cover.
The book whose cover I accidentally tore was my friend's.
Nesneler için "whose" yerine "of which" de kullanabiliriz. Ancak "of which" in defining relative
clause'larda kullanımı çok enderdir. Daha çok non-defining relative clause'larda kullanılır.
This is the machine. I described its properties.This is the machine whose properties I described.This is the machine the properties of which I described.
The houses are being repaired now. Their roofs were damaged during the last
The houses whose roofs were damaged during the last storm are being repaired now.
I can't open the door. Its handle is broken.I can't open the door whose handle is broken.
Eğer tanımladığımız iyelik bildiren ismin kendine ait bir proposition’ı varsa, bu preposition'ı relative clause'un sonunda veya "whose"un önünde
This is the man. Jake is going out with his daughter.This is the man whose daughter Jake is going out with
with whose daughter Jake is going out.
with whose daughter Jake is going out.
Do you remember the man? I told you about his love affairs.Do you remember the man whose love affairs I told you?
about whose love affairs I told you?
about whose love affairs I told you?
"Of which"li yapıda preposition, "of'un önündeki
isimden önce yer alır.
The mountain is a part of the mountain range Bozdağ. You
see snow on its top.
The mountain on the top of which/on
whose top you see snow is a part of the mountain
range Bozdağ.
Tanımladığımız isim, tanımlayan cümlede yer bildiriyorsa
(dolaylı tümleç ise) relative sözcüğü olarak "where" kullanabiliriz.
I liked the seaside resort. We spent our holiday
there (in that town) last summer.I liked the seaside resort where we
spent our holiday last summer.
Don't clean the room today. My son is studying in that room.Don't clean the room today where my
son is studying.
Yer bildiren bir ismi tanımlarken which ve that kullanabiliriz
ya da hiçbir relative sözcüğü kullanmadan, relative clause getirebiliriz. Ancak, which ve that kullandığımızda
ya da boş bıraktığımızda, o isme ait preposition'ı mutlaka kullanmak
I liked the seaside resort which
we spent our holiday in last summer. that
we spent our holiday in last
Ø we spent our holiday in last summer.
in which we spent our holiday last summer.
Ø we spent our holiday in last summer.
in which we spent our holiday last summer.
Bir yer ismi, tanımlayan cümlede özne ya da nesne
durumundaysa, onu tanımlarken "where"
kullanamayız. Where kullanabilmemiz için o ismin, "at the cinema, to the theatre, in the country, etc."
gibi yer belirtmesi gerekir.
I like the house. It has a large garden. (It – subject)
I like the house which has a large garden.
has a large garden.
Tanımladığımız isim, tanımlayan cümlede "on that day, in that year, at that
hour, etc." biçiminde
bir zaman belirtiyorsa, when, which, that kullanabilir ya da bir relative sözcüğü
kullanmadan relative clause getirebiliriz. Bunlardan sadece which, preposition kullanmayı gerektirir. Preposition which'in
önünde kullanılır: on which, at which, etc.
1923 is the year. TheRepublic of Turkey
was founded then. (in that year)
1923 is the year. The
1923 is the year when the Republic of Turkey was founded.
the Republic of Turkey
was founded.
Ø the Republic of Turkey
was founded.
in which the Republic of Turkey was founded.
(1923, Türkiye Cumhuriyetinin kurulduğu yıldır.)
"Reason" sözcüğünden sonra neden ifade eden bir cümlecik getiriyorsak, why, that, ya da for which
kullanabiliriz. Ya da hiçbirini kullanmadan
direk relative clause getirebiliriz.
The reason why we are holding this meeting is to
seek solutions to our recent problems.
that we are holding this meeting
Ø we are holding this meeting
for which we are holding this meeting
Reason, explanation gibi isimleri, "..... ileri sürdüğü
neden, ..... yaptığı açıklama" gibi ifadeler için kullanıyorsak, "why" kullanamayız. Bu anlamda onları diğer cansız
varlıklar gibi düşünüp which, that kullanabilir ya da her ikisini de kaldırabiliriz.
The reason that he gave us for the delay frustrated us all.
which he gave us for the delay
Ø he gave us for the delay
which he gave us for the delay
Ø he gave us for the delay
Bir relative clause everybody, someone, anybody, etc. gibi belgisiz zamirleri tanımlayabilir. Eğer
tanımladığımız zamir, tanımlayan cümlede özne durumundaysa who ya da that kullanılır. Nesne durumundaysa, who, whom ya da that
kullanabiliriz ama genellikle relative sözcüğü kullanılmaz.
Everybody who came to the party was elegantly dressed.
that came to the party
whom I met said that he was dishonest.
who I met
that I met
Ø I met
Ø I met
Anything, something, nothing gibi sözcükleri tanımlarken which çok ender kullanılır. Onun yerine that tercih edilir. Eğer tanımlanan sözcük nesne
durumundaysa relative
sözcüğü kullanmamak daha yaygındır.
that was said
at the debate
was true.
that he said at the debate was true.
Ø he said at the debate was true.
Bir relative clause I, we, they, etc. gibi zamirleri tanımlayabilir.
It was I who objected to the proposal.
objected to the proposal, (daha çok "who" kullanılır.)
karşı çıkan bendim.
Those sözcüğünü tanımlarken insanlar için daha çok who, nesneler için ise which kullanılır ancak her ikisi için that de kullanabiliriz.
the people who/that are members can enter the club.
those who/that are members can enter
the club.
Bu iki cümlenin Türkçe'ye çevirisine dikkat ediniz. Birinci cümleyi "Kulübe, sadece üye olan kişiler girebilir." ; ikinci cümleyi ise "Kulübe sadece üye olanlar girebilir." biçiminde çevirebiliriz.
students who/that want to come on the
picnic should inform me well in advance.
who/that want to come on the
picnic should inform me well in advance.
gelmek isteyen öğrenciler.......... Pikniğe gelmek isteyenler......)
- Shall I bring all the
- No, I need only those
are on the top shelf.
Zaten tanımlanmış, bilinen bir ismi niteleyen cümleye non-defining relative clause denir. Bu
isimleri su şekilde gruplandırabiliriz.
a) Proper nouns (özel isimler):
The person who lives above us is an engineer. (defining)Mr. Smith, who lives above us, is an engineer. (non-defining)
A country which is by the sea is usually a tourist attraction.
(defining)Turkey, which is surrounded by the sea on three sides,
is of strategic
importance. (non-defining)
b) Nouns with preceding modifiers (Başka niteleme sözcükleriyle tanımlanmış
A mother who is very permissive
with her children doesn't necessarily mean a good mother. (defining)My mother, who lives in Germany now,
was moderately permissive with us. (non-defining)
Any bus which comes here already
full doesn't stop at this bus-stop. (defining)This bus,
which usually comes here already full, goes direct to Kadıköy. (non-defining)
The book which is on the table
belongs to me. (defining)That green book, which is on the table, belongs to me. (non-defining)
Bir isim kendinden sonra gelen bazı sözcüklerle de
tanımlanmış olabilir.
The man who was working at the shop was friendly. (defining)The man at the shop, who gave my son a sweet, was friendly. (non-defining)
The table which is in the
kitchen needs repairing. (defining)The table in the kitchen, which we usually have
our breakfast on, needs repairing. (non-defining)
c) Coat, rice,
milk, flower, etc. gibi isimler genel
anlamda kullanıldığı zaman, zaten herkesçe bilinen isimler olduğu için, non-defining relative clause alır.
Flowers, which almost everybody likes, need special care to
grow.(general-non-defining)The flowers which are sold at that
florist's are
usually fresh.(specific-defining)Milk, which is essential for everybody of
all ages, should be boiled well.(general-non-defining)The milk which we get from that dairy is really delicious. (specific-defining)
Non-defining relative
clause ile that hiç bir durumda kullanılmaz. Diğer relative sözcükleri who, whom,
which, whose, where ve when kullanılır.
Non-defining relative
clause, eğer araya giriyorsa iki virgülle, cümlenin sonunda yer
alıyorsa bir virgülle temel cümleden ayrılır.
Mr. Smith, who works at the same company as me, is very fond of
children.I can rely on Mr.
Smith, who works at the same company as me.
Özne durumunda, insanlar için sadece who, nesneler için sadece which kullanabiliriz.
My father lives in
Our television set has become erratic. It was bought eight years ago.Our television set, which was bought eight years
ago, has become erratic.
Nesne durumunda, insanlar için who ya da whom, cansız varlıklar ve hayvanlar için which kullanabiliriz. Who, whom ve which sözcüklerini atamayız. Mutlaka kullanmamız gerekir.
My father lives in
, who you met yesterday.
Our television set has become erratic. We bought it eight years ago.Our television set, which we bought eight years ago, has become erratic.
Eğer isim, bir preposition'ın nesnesi durumunda ise,
preposition'ı relative clause'un sonunda kullanırsak who ya da whom, başında kullanırsak sadece whom kullanabiliriz.
Nesneler için ise yine which kullanılır.
Mr Smith is an honest person. I've been working with him for five years.
Mr Smith, whom I've
been working with for five years, is an honest person.
, who I've been
working with for five years, is an honest person.
, with whom I've been working
for five years, is an honest person.
My car is beginning to cause trouble. I had saved up for it for two years.My car, which I had saved up for for two-years, is beginning to cause trouble
, for which I had saved up for two years,
Bütün isimler için whose kullanabiliriz.
Cansız varlıklar için "of which" de kullanabiliriz ama bu kullanım pek yaygın değildir.
My classmate Susan doesn’t want to be a doctor. Her parents are both doctors.
My classmate Susan, whose parents are both doctors, doesn't want to
be a doctor.
Their house cost them too much money. They painted its exterior pink.
Their house, whose exterior they painted pink, cost them too
much money.
, the exterior
of which they painted pink,
Possessive durumdaki isme ait bir preposition varsa, bu
preposition’ı whose'un önünde ya
da relative clause'un sonunda kullanabiliriz.
Mr Clark is leaving hospital tomorrow. The doctor had some doubts about his recovery.
Mr Clark, whose recovery the doctor had some doubts about, is leaving hospital tomorrow.
, about whose recovery the doctor had some doubts,
Uludağ is a famous ski resort. You can
always see snow on its top.Uludağ, whose top you can always see snow on, is
a famous ski resort.
, on whose top you can always see
, on the top of which you can always see snow,
, on the top of which you can always see snow,
Yer bildiren sözcükler için, non-defining relative clause'larda da where kullanabiliriz.
, which more than ten million people live in,
, in which more than ten million people live.
Eğer bir yer ismi, tanımlayan cümlede özne ya da nesne
durumundaysa where kullanamayız. Sadece which
Salihli is located in the west of Turkey. It is
my hometown. (It — Subject)
Salihli, which is my hometown, is located in the west of Turkey.
Salihli, which is my hometown, is located in the west of Turkey.
Salihli is located in the west of Turkey. I
like it very much, (it — object)
Salihli, which I like very much, is located in the west of Turkey.
Salihli, which I like very much, is located in the west of Turkey.
Salihli is located in the west
of Turkey. I was born there. (in Salihli —
adverb of place)
Salihli, where
I was born, is located in the west
of Turkey.
, which I
was born in,
, in which I was
One of, all of, most of, none of, etc. gibi ifadeleri, hem insanları hem de nesneleri tanımlarken
kullanabiliriz. Bu ifadeleri relative
clause'da insanlar için one of whom, some of whom, most of whom, etc. biçiminde, nesneler için ise one of which, some of which, most of which, etc. biçiminde kullanırız. Eğer tanımladığımız isim possessive durumundaysa, one of whose, some of whose, etc. gibi ifadeler kullanabiliriz.
Sally has two very close friends. Both of them are interested in music like her.
Sally has two very close friends, both of whom are interested in music like her.
Sally has two very close friends, both of whom are interested in music like her.
Sally has very nice parents. I like both of them very much.
Sally has very nice parents, both of whom I like very much.
I want to introduce you to my friend Sally. One of her biggest interests is classical music.
1 want to introduce you to my friend Sally, one of whose biggest interests is classical music.
She bought many things at the store. Only a few of them were necessary.
She bought many things at the store, only a few of which were necessary.
There are many films on this week. I'm quite interested in two of them.
There are many films on this week, two of which I'm quite interested in.
I watched a film on TV last night. Some of its scenes were disgusting.
I watched a film on TV last night, some of whose scenes were disgusting
I watched a film on TV last night, some of whose scenes were disgusting
Bazen bir relative clause tek bir sözcüğü değil de bütün
bir cümleyi tanımlayabilir. Bu durumda relative sözcüğü olarak sadece which kullanılır. Relative clause temel cümlenin sonuna eklenir
ve bir virgülle cümleden ayrılır.
got a rather low grade on the test. That surprised
got a rather low grade on the test, which surprised me.
çok düşük bir not aldı ki bu da beni şaşırttı.
impossible for us to catch the train. This will
be very bad.
impossible for us to catch the train, which will be very bad.
yetişmemiz imkansız ki bu da çok kötü
Bu örneklerde that ve this, birinci cümlenin yerine kullanılmıştır. Birinci cümlenin yerine kullandığımız this ya da that, bazen ikinci cümlenin ortalarında yer alabilir. Bunu relative clause'a çevirirken which virgülden hemen sonra gelmek durumundadır.
They invited me to their wedding. I appreciated
that very much.
They invited me to their wedding, which I
appreciated very much.
Beni düğünlerine davet etliler ki bu da çok hoşuma gitti.
Bu yapıyla ifade ettiğimiz cümleleri genellikle başka
şekillerde de ifade edebiliriz.
He helped me. That was
kind of him.
He helped
me, which was kind of him. (=It was kind of him to help me.)
They lent me a large sum. That was
generous of them.
They lent me a large sum, which was generous of them.
(=It was generous of them to lend
me a large sum.)
Relative clause'larda kullandığımız that, which, who, when, where gibi
sözcükleri noun clause ve adverb
clause ile de kullanabiliriz. Aradaki farkı şu
örneklerle inceleyelim.
I don't know the city where he lives.
(noun) (relative clause)
I don't know where he lives.
(verb) (noun clause)
de gördüğümüz gibi, relative clause daima bir isimden sonra, noun clause ise bir fiilden sonra gelir. Örnekteki relative clause'u başka biçimlerde de ifade edebiliriz.
I don't know the city where he lives.
he lives in.
which he lives in.
Ø he lives in.
in which he lives.
which he lives in.
Ø he lives in.
in which he lives.
Noun clause'u bir tek biçimde ifade edebiliriz.
I don't know where he lives.
They got married on a day when I was abroad.
(noun) (relative clause)
(noun) (relative clause)
yurt dışında olduğum bir günde evlendiler.)
They got married when I was abroad.
(verb) (adverbial clause)
(Ben yurt
dışındayken evlendiler.)
I want to know the students who/that are coming with us.
(relative clause)
gelecek öğrencileri öğrenmek istiyorum.)
I want to know who are (is) coming with us.
(verb) (noun clause)
kimlerin geleceğini öğrenmek istiyorum.)
What bir isimden sonra gelmez. Genellikle bir fiilden sonra
gelir ya da özne durumundaki bir noun clause'un başında
bulunur. What, the thing that/the things that* anlamındadır.
I don't know what he bought. (Ne aldığını bilmiyorum.) (verb) (noun clause)
I don't know the thing that he bought. (Aldığı şeyi bilmiyorum.)
(noun) (relative
What he said wasn't so important.
(noun clause)
(noun clause)
The thing that he said wasn't so important.
(relative clause)
*Burada that yerine which de
kullanılabilir; ama, that kullanımı daha yaygındır.
Bir relative clause'u, anlamını
hiç bozmadan, cümle olmaktan çıkarıp sözcük öbeği biçiminde kısaltabiliriz.
boy who is running towards us is my son.
The boy running towards us is my son.
The boy running towards us is my son.
money which was stolen from the bank has been
The money stolen from the bank has been recovered.
The money stolen from the bank has been recovered.
Bir relative clause'u kısaltabilmemiz için, who, that, which sözcüklerinin relative clause'da özne durumunda bulunması gerekir. Yani, relative clause'un bu sözcüklerden başka bir öznesinin olmaması
gerekir. Eğer varsa, o cümlede kısaltma yapamayız.
The boy who you met yesterday is my son. (kısaltılamaz)
whom you met yesterday
that you met yesterday
Ø you met yesterday
whom you met yesterday
that you met yesterday
Ø you met yesterday
The money which I lost last week has
been recovered. (kısaltılamaz)
that I lost last week
Ø I lost last week
that I lost last week
Ø I lost last week
Bir relative clause'u şu
şekillerde kısaltabiliriz:
a) Present participle: the boy running, the people waiting
for the bus, etc.
Eğer relative clause'un tense'i, present ve past
continuous, simple present ya da simple past tense ve yüklemi active ise kısaltmada present participle kullanılır.
The man who lives upstairs is making too much noise.
man living upstairs is making too much noise.
The woman who is talking to the teacher is my mother.
The woman talking to the teacher is my mother.
The woman talking to the teacher is my mother.
The customers who wanted
to see the manager looked very angry.
The customers wanting to see the manager looked very angry.
The customers wanting to see the manager looked very angry.
The children who were playing in the rain seemed very happy.
The children playing in the rain seemed very happy.
The children playing in the rain seemed very happy.
I need a bottle which holds
two litres of liquid.
I need a bottle holding two litres of liquid.
I need a bottle holding two litres of liquid.
The tree which blocked the road was blown down by the storm.
The tree blocking the road was blown down by the storm.
The tree blocking the road was blown down by the storm.
Aynı kuralları göz önüne
alarak, non-defining
relative clause'larda da kısaltma
yapabiliriz. Kısaltılan bölümü yine virgülle cümlenin devamından ayırmamız
Her parents, who expect her to get a high grade, will be disappointed if she can't.
Her parents, expecting her to get a high grade, will be
disappointed if she can't.
Mary, who wanted to make an impression on the teacher, studied very hard.
Mary, wanting to make an impression on the teacher, studied very hard.
My son, who is playing with children over there, is very sensitive.
My son, playing with children over there, is very sensitive.
My son, playing with children over there, is very sensitive.
b) Past participle: the money stolenjrom the bonk,
the explanations made by the Prime Minister, etc.
Relative clause'un yüklemi passive ise
kısaltmada past participle kullanılır.
The child who was punished by the teacher was standing in the comer.
The child punished by the teacher was standing in the corner.
The child punished by the teacher was standing in the corner.
I like to listen to songs which are sung in Turkish.
I like to listen to songs sung in Turkish.
I like to listen to songs sung in Turkish.
Her husband, who was promoted to a higher position, will get
more money.
Her husband, promoted to a higher position, will get more money.
Her husband, promoted to a higher position, will get more money.
c) Be + adjective phrase
The girl who is happy with the result is smiling.
The girl happy with the result is smiling.
Anyone who is interested in animals can join our club.
Anyone interested in animals can join our club.
Anyone interested in animals can join our club.
1 need a box which is big enough
to hold these books.
I need a box big enough to hold these books.
I need a box big enough to hold these books.
My car, which was much cheaper than yours, hasn't caused me any trouble.
My car, much cheaper than yours, hasn't caused me any trouble.
My car, much cheaper than yours, hasn't caused me any trouble.
d) Be + prepositional phrase
books which are on the top shelf are difficult to
The books on the top shelf are difficult Lo reach.
The books on the top shelf are difficult Lo reach.
people who were along both sides of the road were watching the
The people along both sides of the road were watching the parade.
The people along both sides of the road were watching the parade.
students who are in the
canteen must not be aware of
the time.
The students in the canteen must not be aware of the time.
The students in the canteen must not be aware of the time.
e) To + infinitive
The first, the second, the last,
the only gibi ifadelerden sonra, bazen de
superlative'lerden sonra relative clause "to do" biçiminde kısaltılabilir.
I was the last person who left the office.
I was the last person to leave the office.
(Dün bürodan en son aynlan itişi bendim.)
usually the first person who leaves the office.
usually the first person to leave the office.
(Genellikle bürodan ilk ayrılan kişi ben olurum.)
Eğer relative clause'un yüklemi passive ise,
kısaltmada passive infinitive
"to be done" kullanılır.
only man that was seen there that day was Mr Smith.
only man to be seen there that day was Mr Smith.
(O gün
orada görülen tek kişi Mr Smith idi.)
best route that
can be
followed is through the woods.
The best route to be followed is through the woods.
(izlenecek en iyi yol koruluktan geçendir.)
The best route to be followed is through the woods.
(izlenecek en iyi yol koruluktan geçendir.)
To + infinitive biçimindeki kısaltmayı something, anything, nothing, someone, anybody, etc. gibi sözcüklerden sonra ve zorunluluk,
gereklilik ifade ederken pek çok isimden sonra kullanabiliriz.
you like something that you can read?
you like something to read?
cold outside. I need something that I can put on.
need something to
put on.
was nothing that
we could eat.
was nothing to
have a lot of work that I must do.
have a lot of work to do.
I will have many clients that I must deal with.
I will have many clients to deal with.
need a larger box that we can put these books in.
need a larger box to put these books in.
children need a playground that they can play in.
children need a playground to play in.
f) Appositive Phrase
Appositive phrase, bir isme açıklık kazandırmak için, isimden
sonra kullanılan bir isim ya da zamir grubudur. Appositive phrase, fazladan bilgi verdiği için, virgülle cümlenin devamından
Mr Jones, who is the headmaster of our school, is a very strict man.
Mr Jones, the headmaster of our
school, is a very strict man.
İsmet İnönü, who was the second President of Turkey,
was a contemporary of Atatürk's.
İsmet İnönü, the second President of Turkey, was a contemporary of Atatürk's.
Basketball, which is my favourite sport, attracts less interest than
Basketball, my favourite sport, attracts less interest than football.
g) A Perfect Participial Phrase
Relative clause'un tense'i simple
past, present ve past perfect tense ise
kısaltmada active eylemler için having done, passive eylemler için having been done kullanabiliriz.
The students who attended our course last year will get a discount this year.
The students having attended our course
last year will get a discount
this year.
(Geçen yıl kursumuza devam etmiş olan öğrencilere bu yıl
indirim yapılacaktır.)
The students who have finished their work can go out.
The students having finished their work can go out.
(Ödevini bitiren /bitirmiş olan öğrenciler
dışan çıkabilir.)
Mary, who had finished her work, left the classroom after the
teacher’s announcement.
Mary, having finished her work, left the classroom after the teacher's announcement.
(İşini bitiren/bitirmiş olan Mary öğretmenin duyurusundan sonra sınıftan çıktı.)
The passengers, who had travelled more than eight hours, felt exhausted.
The passengers, having travelled more than eight hours, felt exhausted.
(Sekiz saatten fazla yolculuk yapmış olan
yolcular bitkin düştüler.)
Non-defining relative phrase, bazen tanımladığı ismin önünde ya da cümlenin
sonunda yer alabilir. Özellikle I, he, she, they gibi kişi
zamirlerini tanımlıyorsa, bu zamirin önünde yer alır.
She, who was once interested in rock music, now listens to classical.
Once interested in rock music, she now listens to classical.
(Bir zamanlar rock müziğe
ilgi duyan o şimdi klasikleri dinliyor.)
Today's people, who aren't thinking of the future generations, are cruelly polluting the earth.
Today's people, not thinking of the future
generations, are cruelly polluting
the earth.
Not thinking of the future
generations, today's people are
cruelly polluting the earth.
Today’s people are cruelly polluting
the earth, not thinking
of the future generations.
(Gelecek nesilleri düşünmeyen günümüz insanı
dünyayı zalimce kirletiyor.)
11. C 12. E 13. B
14. D 15. A
11. C 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. E
21. C 22. C 23. E 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. D 28. B 29. E 30. C
21. A 22. B 23. B
24. D 25. C
26. E 27. B 28. D 29. C
30. A
1- This
illness, ......... to be caused by a virus, cannot be
treated with
A) believing
B) having believed
C) to have
believed D) to believe
E) believed
2-The boy
......... by the dog was given an injection
against rabies.
A) biting B)
to have bitten
C) bitten D)
to bite
E) having
from the thirteenth century, the 'Kızıl Kule',
or 'Red
Tower', in Alanya was very skilfully
restored in
the 1950s.
A) To date B)
C) Having
dated D) To be dated
E) To be
4-Every 10 YTL
.......... to the charity will pay for one
tree to be
planted as part of the city's tree
A) given B)
C) to be
giving D) to give
E) having
.......... by his children that it was a good idea,
bought a puppy
for them last weekend.
A) to be
persuaded B) having been persuaded
C) having
persuaded D) persuading
E) to persuade
goodbye to his brother, David watched the
train pull out
of the station.
A) To wave B)
Being waved
C) To be
waving D) Waving
E) To have
7-The best
person .......... us some information about
Cyprus is Elif
because she used to live there.
A) to give B)
C) being given
D) have given
E) to be given
8-The player,
....... this opponent on two previous
occasions, is
quite confident of victory tomorrow.
A) beaten B)
to beat
C) beating D)
having beaten
E) to have
9-The four
students ..... to represent the university
during the
inter-university challenge were chosen
A) to trust B)
having trusted
C) trusting D)
to be trusting
E) being
10-In cycling,
the best way ........ smooth, powerful
pedaling is to
practise using low to moderate
A) to achieve
B) being achieved
C) achieved D)
be achieved
E) to have
11-A reputable
supplier ......... care to ensure high
standards is
the best place to buy a computer
A) being taken
B) taken
C) taking D)
to be taking
E) to have
12-We have to
find time .......... the songs for the
A) having
practised B) to be practised
C) practised
D) practising
E) to practise
his proposal-to the board ofdirectors, the
young manager
waited for their reaction to it.
A) To have
presented B) Having presented
C) To present
D) Presented
E) Being
14-Once almost
extinct, the silver gray Hawaiian
Monk Seal,
......... since 19O9, now lives in large
numbers in an
area northwest of Hawaii.
A) having
protected B) protecting
C) to be
protecting D) protected
E) to protect
.... his law degree a few weeks ago, is now
thinking of
specialising in criminal law.
A) having
obtained B) being obtained
C) to be
obtained D) obtaining
E) obtained
1- .........
from the destruction of many forests,
much of the
Scottish Highlands is now marshy
A) To result
B) To have resulted C) Result
D) Resulted E)
2- ..........
English and Business at University, Elif
is looking for
a job in an import office of an
A) To study B)
Studied C) Being studied
D) Having
studied E) To have studied
3- What's the
name of that new film ..........
Bruce Willis?
A) to have
starred B) starred
C) to be
starring D) starring
E) having been
4- My father,
........ by the doctor, was prescribed
some tablets
and told to eat foods ........ little or
no fat.
A) to be
examined/having contained
B) to
examine/to contain
C) having been
D) examining/contained
E) having
examined/having been contained
5- I think the
carpet......... to me for my birthday is
A) to have
given B) given C) to give
D) having
given E) giving
6- Not
......... for more than twenty minutes, Sarah
was certain
that she hadn't got the job.
A) having been
B) having
D) to be
E) to have
7- Gregory,
not ......... of cigarette smoking,
always asks
his guests to smoke outside on the
A) to approve
B) approved
C) approving
D) to have approved
E) being
8- All of the
people ......... in the accident were
taken to hospital.
A) injuring B)
injured C) to have injured
D) to injure
E) having injured
9- It would be
practical if we fitted some hooks
behind the
door ......... our coats on.
A) hung B)
hanging C) having hung
D) to be hung
E) to hang
10- Air
France's jets, ......... specially for the World
Cup with
designs featuring football stars,
the various teams around France
during the
A) to paint B)
painting C) to be painted
D) painted E)
having painted
11- The first
film .......... to a paying audience was
made by two
French brothers, Louis and
A) showing B)
having shown C) shown
D) be shown E)
to show
12- I Not one
of the stands .......... newspapers and
magazines near
the ferry terminal stocks
A) to sell B)
having sol C) selling
D) sold E) to
have sold
13-All the
electrical appliances .......... by that
company come
with a plug already fitted.
A) having sold
B) selling C) to sell
D) sold E) to
be selling
14- The only
Englishman ever .......... Roman
Catholic pope
was Adrian IV in 1154.
A) to be
elected B) to elect C) electing
D) been
elected E) having elected
15- For weeks
after the earthquake, there were
many stories
in the newspapers of people
their lives to help free those trapped
under the
A) to have
risked B) to risk C) had risked
D) risked E)
having risked
........ eagles in the same bird family,
greatly range
in size.
A) having
resembled B) to resemble
C) resembled
D) to have resembled
E) resembling
2-Until the 20th century, the
chief raisin producers
were Turkey,
Iran and Greece. By mid-century,
however, the
United States had taken the lead in
with Australia ........ second.
A) ranking B)
rank C) to rank
D) be ranked
E) to have ranked
3-In the
picnic area, we found a shady bank, .........
we stopped and
ate our sandwiches.
A) where B)
what C) when D) which E) that
4-This brand
of orange juice is quite nice, but not
as tasty as
the freshly squeezed orange juice
........ at
our local supermarket.
A) to be sold
B) selling C) sold
D) having sold
E) to have sold
5- Our defeat,
for ......... some players blame
was caused by bad luck and not by
our lack of
A) whom B)
which C) where D) why E) what
6- The
students .......... had enrolled for the
course were
disappointed when they found
out that it
had been cancelled.
A) which B)
whose C) whom D) that E) when
7- I can't
think of an interesting topic ......... on for
our school
A) to write B)
writing C) written
D) having
written E) to have written
8-The result
of our first match in the World Cup
was not
......... we were hoping for.
A) when B) —
C) what D) where E) why
school........ to me by my friend is offering
new courses in
A) to
recommend B) having recommended
C) to be
recommended D) recommending
E) recommended
10-Most of the
people the police .......... about the
.......... anything suspicious in the area.
A) to
question/not having seen
questioning/didn't see
C) having
questioned/not to see
questioned/hadn't seen
E) to have
questioned/not seen
existing customers, several of ......... were
interested in the new product, were
invited to a
A) which B)
whom C) that D) where E) whose
12- All of our
current customers, .......... showed
an interest in
the new product, attended the
A) when B)
that C) who D) where E) whose
13- Formerly
........ as Siam, Thailand is one of the
most popular
tourist spots in Asia.
A) to know B)
known C) knowing
D) knew E)
having known
14- Under
present law in the USA, owners of
property are
free to leave it to ......... they
choose when
they die.
A) whomever B)
whichever C) however
D) whatever E)
15-There are
many daily newspapers in England,
of.......... are owned by two large media
A) that B)
what C) whom D) which E) where
16-There are
fifty different Chinese dialects, ........
only seven are
considered major.
A) where B)
whose C) by whom
D) about what
E) of which
by far the largest Chinese dialect, is
spoken by the
Han people, .......... constitute
ninety percent
of the population of China.
A) whose B)
whom C) which D) that E) who
18- The
Koh-i-noor diamond, ......... to have been
taken from the
rajah of Malwa in 13O4,
measures 191
carats and is one of the most
diamonds in the world.
A) having
believed B) believed C) believing
D) to believe
E) to have believed
19-Begun in
1O78, the Tower of London, ..........
many famous
people were imprisoned,
executed or
murdered, is one of London's most
tourist attractions.
A) when B)
which C) that D) where E) who
20-The Spratly
Islands, .......... lie in the South China
Sea, are
claimed by China, Brunei, Malaysia, the
Vietnam and Taiwan.
A) which B)
whose C) that D) where E) when
21- Students
.......... a foreign language can always
benefit from
visiting the country whose
language they
are trying to learn.
A) to study B)
studied C) studying
D) to be
studied E) being studied
22- The parts
.......... to the garage by the supplier
were for a
later model car, so we had to wait for
another two
days for the correct ones to arrive
before they
could repair our car.
A) to send B)
sending C) sent
D) to be sent
E) having sent
professor ......... to Mrs Wilson over there is
head of the
history department at our
A) to be
talked B) talked C) having talked
D) to talk E)
24- The two
players .......... the most ability were
offered places
at the youth club's summer
A) shown B) to
show C) showed
D) showing E)
to be shown
......... by his mother of the dangers of
walking on the
thin ice, did not follow his
friends onto
the frozen lake.
A) having
warned B) to warn
C) having been
warned D) warning
E) to be
26- Simon's
mother, .......... her son ever to walk
on the frozen
lake, was very upset when Mrs
Smith told her
she had seen the boys fooling
around on the
frozen water.
A) having
forbidden B) being forbidden
C) forbidden
D) forbade
E) to be
27- The
bridge, .......... billions of dollars to build,
was designed
as a toll bridge, for which every
motorist pays to
A) costs B) to
cost C) cost
D) having cost
E) to have cost
28-The English
ballet dancer, Margot Fonteyn,
.......... by
many for her excellent style, was
made a Dame of
the Order of the British Empire
in 1956.
A) to be
admired B) admired C) having admired
D) to admire
E) admiring
29- The Great
Wall of China, .......... 2.400
along the Mongolian plateau, was
built to
prevent invasions from the North.
A) extended B)
to extend C) to be extended
D) have
extended E) extending
30- The bright
orange plastic sheet, ........ to serve
as a picnic
mat, seemed to attract every insect
in the area.
A) intending
B) to intend C) intended
D) to be
intended E) having intended
31- Paul,
...... himself for the delay, apologised to
........ in the project.
blamed/involving B) to blame/to involve
C) being
blamed/involve D) blaming/involved
blames/having involved
32- Steffany,
.......... the play herself, was trilled
when she
watched the children perform it so
A) to be
writing B) being written
C) to have
written D) written
E) having
33- The fruit
and vegetables ............. in
in Turkey are generally fresher
and tastier
than those on offer in the UK.
A) to be found
B) have found
C) having
found D) to find E) found
34-The Blarney
stone, ........ into the wall of Blarney
Castle in
Ireland, is supposed to bring an elegant
command of
words to whoever kisses it.
A) to build B)
built C) building
D) having
built E) to have built
35-The train
......... from platform ten is the intercity
express to
A) left B)
leaves C) leaving
D) to be left
E) being left
36- John,
......... a musical instrument since the age
of six, learns
new tunes very quickly.
A) to play B)
played C) being played
D) to be
played E) having played
37-We leaned
out of the window to watch the school
.......... down the street.
A) marching B)
marched C) to be marched
D) to march E)
having marched
38-The Spanish
fleet Armada was made up of ISO
......... altogether 30,493 men, of whom
18,973 were
A) carried B)
carrying C) being carried
D) to carry E)
to have carried
Francisco, whose population increased from
200 to 30.000
after gold was discovered, suffered
from six great
fires in 1849 and 1850, ........ to
establishment of a Fire Department.
A) leading B)
have led C) to be led
D) led E) to
training program, ......... by all of our new
covers the areas of safety, company
procedure and
A) undertaking
B) undertook
C) having
undertaken D) to undertake
E) undertaken
1- The police
officer, ......... the thief, was
pushing him
into a police vehicle to be
taken to the
A) to catch
B) to have caught
C) caught D)
having caught
E) Being
2- The excuse
.......... by the company for not
the product on time was
A) to give B)
having given
C) given D)
to be giving
E) giving
3- .........
his sun cream at home, the man
bought a new bottle.
A) Left B) To
be leaving
C) To leave
D) Leaving
E) Having
4- We will
need someone ......... our daughter
during the
award ceremony.
A) to be
baby-sat B) baby-sat
C) having
baby-sat D) baby-sitting
E) to
5- If you
leave the letters ......... on my desk, I
will put them
away first thing tomorrow
A) filing B)
having filed
C) to have
filed D) to be filed
E) to be
6- Her
husband, ......... a garage of his own,
repairs her
car for her.
A) to have B)
C) have D)
E) to have
7- Various
games ......... soccer have been
played for
more than 2,000 years,
starting in China, but the
modern game
developed in England.
A) resembling
B) resembled
C) to
resemble D) resemble
E) being
8- ..........
in a 'no-parking' zone, the Boss's
car was towed
A) To be
parked B) Parking
C) Having
been parked D) To be parking
E) To park
9- The
smartest way........ situations like this
is to speak
to the manager first.
A) approached
B) having approached
approaching D) to be approached
E) to
.......... cheerfully in the spring sunshine,
the paper boy
handed her 'The
A) To sing B)
To have sung
C) Sung D)
E) To be
11- A
scholar-explorer with an inborn love of adventure, Richard Burton was the first
........forbidden Muslim cities in
Africa unharmed.
A) being
penetrated B) to penetrate
C) penetrated
D) penetrate
E) to be
12- All
decisions .......... at this meeting will be published in the club's quarterly
A) made B)
C) to make D)
having made
E) to be
13- ...........
it to be certain that the horse was a winner, the man bet his entire wages on
A) To have
believed B) To believe
C) Believing
D) Believed
E) To be
14- Yesterday
the player, ......... with the
singer for
some time, announced his
A) linking B)
to be linked
C) having
linked D) linked
E) to link
15- The vase,
............ for £2 in a jumble sale,
was valued by
the expert at £1500.
A) bought B)
C) to buy D)
having bought
E) to be
16- All the
vegetables .......... on that farm are free from chemicals.
A) grown B)
having grown
C) to grow D)
to be growing
E) grow
17- The only
non-violent sport .......... by the
King of
England was golf in the 1400s,
when the King
thought his soldiers
weren't doing
enough archery practice.
A) banning B)
to ban
C) having
banned D) to be banned
E) to be
18- Johnny,
.......... Italian, didn't enjoy the
Opera as much
as Sonya did.
A) not being
B) not to
C) not to be
D) not
E) not
19- .........
ten times as fast as the old printer,
the new
printer has made our office much
A) To print
B) Printing
C) Being
printed D) To be printed
E) Printed
.......... several competitions as an amateur,
he decided to
play professionally.
A) To win B)
C) Having won
D) Being won
E) To be won
21- Before
the lecture, you'll be given some
........... Freud's theory of the Ego and
Alter Ego.
A) explaining
B) to be explained
C) explained
D) being explained
E) having
22- .........
of the dangers many times by his
Cameron never swam in the river.
A) To warn B)
Having been warned
C) To have
warned D) Having warned
E) To be
23- The
bridge, ........... to the town by the
Society in 1882, crosses the
river from
the road to the park.
A) having
given B) given
C) to give D)
E) to be
............ the required score in the
round, the former champion
will not take
place in the final.
A) Not to
B) Not being
C) Not having
been reached
D) Not having
E) Not to be
.......... in superstitions, Jess walked
under the ladder.
A) Not to
B) Not to be
C) Not
D) Not
E) Not
26- All the
people .......... to the committee are experts in this subject.
A) appointing
B) having appointed
C) to appoint
D) to be appointing
E) appointed
27- It would
be nice if I had someone ........ on to look after the shop when we go on
A) having
relied B) to rely
C) relied D)
to be relied
E) relying
28- The sand
on this beach, .......... specially
from Spain,
is golden and not the black
volcanic sand
of most of the beaches on
this island.
A) to bring
B) bringing
C) having
brought D) brought
E) to be
29- Stockholm
is a city of broad streets and
buildings ........ of white
brick or stone that give the city a
uncrowded appearance.
A) making B)
to make
C) made D)
having made
E) to be
30- None of
the men .......... on the building site have a work permit.
A) working B)
C) being
worked D) worked
E) to be
31- Syria,
......... by Roman, Byzantine and
civilisations, has some striking
......... the influence of all the
A) to
occupy/to have been reflecting
occupying/to have reflected
C) to be
occupying/being reflected
D) having
been occupied/reflecting
E) having
32- Those
........ for the coach to Rattle Snake
should proceed to the side door.
A) to wait B)
C) having
waited D) to be waiting
E) waited
33- The man
who won the 'Tour de France',
......... by
crowds of Parisians, came from
the United
States of America.
A) having
watched B) watched
C) to watch
D) to be watching
E) to have
been watched
34- I'm sure
I've seen the tall man ... in the
somewhere before.
A) to sit B)
having sat
C) sitting D)
E) to be
35- Paintings
by Bartolome Murillo and Diego
both ....... in Seville, may be
throughout the city.
A) born B) to
be born
C) having
born D) being born
E) to have
36- Garlic,
......... since ancient times to have
properties, made up part of the
pyramid-builders' rations.
A) having
believed B) to believe
C) to have
believed D) believed
E) believing
37- The new
Volvo four-wheel drive vehicle,
........ to
function well on the country's
worst roads,
costs £28,910.
A) having
designed B) to be designing
C) designing
D) designed
E) to design
38- The Swiss
psychologist Jean Piaget was
the first
scientist ........ systematic studies
of how
children learn.
A) to be made
B) made
C) being made
D) be making
E) to make
39- Virtually
everybody ............ on the show
agreed with
the Prime Minister's decision.
interviewed B) to interview
interviewing D) having interviewed
E) to be
40- The deer
I ............ on my way to work was
across the road.
A) to hit B)
was hit
C) hit D) to
be hitting
E) hitting
41- Henry the
Minstrel, ........... as Blind
Harry, wrote
a narrative poem of 11,000
lines about
the Scottish national hero, Sir
A) knew B)
C) having
known D) to know
E) known
42- Louis
Bleriot, .......... the design of the
made the first cross-channel
flight on
25th July 1909.
A) improved
B) to be improving
C) being
improved D) having improved
E) to improve
43- The
British government, ........... to it as
part of the
peace process in Northern
released a murderer, Michael
Stone, from
A) to agree
B) having agreed
C) agreed D)
to be agreed
E) being
44- Michael
Stone, .......... as part of the peace process, wants to spend time with his
A) to release
B) releasing
C) having
been released
D) to be
E) having
45- The
mobile phone company ...... free
connection charges
a lot for calls.
A) being
advertised B) advertising
C) to
advertise D) advertised
E) to be
46- The
workers ........... to work all weekend
were paid a bonus.
A) having B)
to have
C) had D) to
be having
E) to have
47- The procedure
.......... by the new manager seems to be working well.
A) having
B) to
C) to be
D) introduced
48- Bears are
farmed in China to provide bile, .......... in traditional Chinese medicine.
A) having used
B) be used
C) using D)
to be using
E) used
49- Anyone
......... to Rwanda should contact
their embassy
about security procedures.
A) to be
travelling B) travelled
C) be
travelling D) travel
E) traveling
50- The old
boat, .......... in the family's barn,
was taken to
Swansea for relaunching.
A) having
been restored
B) to restore
C) to be
D) to have
been restoring
E) having
1. E 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. D 9. E 10. A
1. E 2. D 3.
D 4. C 5.
B 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. E 10. D
1. E 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. E 10. D
11. B 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. D 16. E 17. E 18. B
19. D 20. A
31. D 32. E 33. E 34. B 35. C 36. E 37. A 38. B 39. A 40. E
1. D 2. C 3. E 4. E 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. E 10. D
11. B 12. A 13. C 14. D 15. A 16. A 17. D 18. E 19. B 20. C
31. D 32. B
33. B 34. C
35. A
36. D 37. D 38. E 39. A
40. C
41. E 42. D 43. B 44. C 45. B 46. A 47. D 48. E 49. E 50. A
1- A
2- B
3- A
1- F
1- It is an object flying in the sky which cannot be idendified after an investigation.
2- Alpha Centauri
3-We don't have a proper spacescraft and we are unable to produce the energy that is neglected.
4- 100 million miles in an hour.
5- At the speed of light
a- who/that
1- A
2- B
3- A
1- F
1- It is an object flying in the sky which cannot be idendified after an investigation.
2- Alpha Centauri
3-We don't have a proper spacescraft and we are unable to produce the energy that is neglected.
4- 100 million miles in an hour.
5- At the speed of light
a- who/that
1- B
2- E
3- B
4- A
5- A
6- E
7- C
8- E
9- D
10- A
11- E
12- D
13- A
14- B
15- E
16- C
17- B
18- D
19- A
20- E
21- C
22- C
23- D
24- E
25- B
26- C
27- A
28- A
29- B
30- D
31- D
32- A
33- C
34- D
35- D
36- E
37- D
38- B
39- E
40- C
41- A
42- A
43- E
44- A
45- C
46- D
47- E
48- C
49- D
50- B
51- D
52- E
53- D
54- C
55- A
56- B
57- E
58- D
59- B
60- C
61- E
62- D
63- A
64- E
65- A
66- C
67- D
68- B
69- A
70- E
71- C
72- B
73- A
74- D
75- C
76- B
77- E
78- A
79- E
80- A
81- D
82- C
83- B
84- C
1- B
2- E
3- B
4- A
5- A
6- E
7- C
8- E
9- D
10- A
11- E
12- D
13- A
14- B
15- E
16- C
17- B
18- D
19- A
20- E
21- C
22- C
23- D
24- E
25- B
26- C
27- A
28- A
29- B
30- D
31- D
32- A
33- C
34- D
35- D
36- E
37- D
38- B
39- E
40- C
41- A
42- A
43- E
44- A
45- C
46- D
47- E
48- C
49- D
50- B
51- D
52- E
53- D
54- C
55- A
56- B
57- E
58- D
59- B
60- C
61- E
62- D
63- A
64- E
65- A
66- C
67- D
68- B
69- A
70- E
71- C
72- B
73- A
74- D
75- C
76- B
77- E
78- A
79- E
80- A
81- D
82- C
83- B
84- C
85- C
86- A
87- B
88- D
89- B
90- E
91- A
92- C
93- E
94- E
95- D
96- D
97- A
98- B
99- C
100- C
102- E
103- D
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