Noun clause bir cümlede isim gibi işlev gören cümleciktir. Yani cümlede özne ya da
nesne görevinde bulunabilir.
Noun clause'ları üç ayrı grupta inceleyebiliriz:
1- Noun clauses beginning with a question word (what, why, who, when, etc.)
2- Noun clauses beginning with whether or not/if ... or not
3- Noun clauses beginning with that
Subject of the sentence
object of the sentence
Where she lives is
I don't know where
she lives.
Whether he is coming or not is not clear.
It is not clear whether he is coming or not.
That he recovered from his illness is a miracle.
It is a miracle that he recovered from his illness.
Soru sözcüğü ile başlayan bir soruyu, soru cümlesi düzenini düz cümle düzenine dönüştürmeliyiz.
Question: Why is he coming tomorrow?
Noun clause: Why
he is coming tomorrow is
a secret.
Question: What time does he start work?
Noun clause: I don't know what time he
starts work.
Question: When did he leave the country?
Noun clause:
When he left the country is still unknown.
Question: Who
is coming tomorrow?
Noun Clause: I don't know who is coming tomorrow.
OR NOT" or "IF...OR NOT"
Yardımcı fiille başlayan bir soruyu noun clause'a dönüştürürken, noun clause'un başına "whether" ya da "if" getirilir. "Or not" whether'dan
hemen sonra gelebilir ya da noun clause'un
sonunda yer alabilir). Ancak "or not" "if"den hemen sonra kullanılmaz. Sadece noun clause'un sonunda yer alabilir). Her iki cümlede de "or not" kullanmayabiliriz
ve bu durumda anlam değişmez.
Is she coming to the party?
wonder whether she is coming to
the party or not.
whether or not she is coming to the party.
whether she is coming to
the party.
if she is coming to the party or not.
if she is coming to the party. (Onun partiye gelip
gelmeyeceğini merak ediyorum.)
Eğer "noun clause" cümlede özne
durumunda ise sadece "whether"
"If" bu şekilde cümle başında kullanılmaz.
she is coming to the party or not isn't certain yet. Whether or not she is
coming to the party isn't certain yet.
Düz cümleleri noun clause biçiminde kullanırken, noun clause'un başına "that" getirilir. Eğer noun clause cümlede nesne durumundaysa "that"
Statement: She doesn't like pop music.
Noun clause: We know that she doesn't like pop music. We know she doesn't like pop music (Onun pop müziğini sevmediğini biliyoruz.)
Eğer noun clause cümlede özne durumundaysa, noun
clause'un başındaki "that"
Statement: He committed the crime.
Noun clause: That he committed the crime is obvious.
(Suçu onun işlediği açık.)
Statement: He can't win the election.
Noun clause: That
he can't win the election is known. (Onun seçimleri kazanamayacağı biliniyor.)
Ancak "that clause"un bu şekilde cümlenin başında özne olarak kullanılması pek
yaygın değildir. Onun yerine, cümleye "It"
ile başlayıp noun clause'u
ortada kullanmak daha yaygındır.
It is obvious that he committed the crime.
It is obvious he committed the crime.
(Suçu onun işlediği açık.)
"That clause"u yaygın olarak:
a) Bazı
sıfatlardan sonra
b) Bazı
isimlerden sonra
c) Bazı
fiillerden sonra
d) "The
fact" ile
"That clauses" after certain adjectives:
Sorry, glad, happy, afraid, surprised, disappointed, pleased, sure, etc. gibi duygu ya da tavır bildiren
sıfatlardan sonra "that
clause" kullanabiliriz.
Sonu -ing ve -ed
ile biten bazı sıfatlardan sonra "that
clause" kullanımı
oldukça yaygındır.
- I'm glad (that) you passed the exam.
- I'm sorry (that) I hurt his feelings.
- It is very surprising that she was dismissed from her job. (İşinden atılması çok şaşırtıcı.)
- I'm very surprised that she was dismissed from her job.(Onun işten atılmasına çok şaşırdım.)
True, strange, fair, unfair, unfortunate, obvious, apparent, too bad, likely, unlikely gibi sıfatlarla da "that clause" yaygın olarak kullanılır.
- It's likely (that) there will be another rise in prices soon.
- It's unfair (that) women still don't have the same rights as men.
"That clauses" after certain nouns:
pity, shame, wonder, relief, a good thing, fact, belief, theory, impression gibi isimlerden sonra "that clause" kullanabiliriz.
- It's a wonder (that) she survived_the accident.
- It's a widely accepted belief (that) the two major conservative parties should be united to come to power.
- It's my impression (that) television reduces the interest in reading.(Benim izlenimim o ki televizyon, okumaya olan ilgiyi azaltıyor.)
c) "That
clauses" after certain verbs:
Bazı fiiller,
kendilerinden sonra noun clause alabilirler. Bu
cümlelerde noun clause, yüklemin nesnesi
- I will prove that he is innocent.
- The teacher claims that he cheated during the exam.
- I assume that the meeting will have to be cancelled.
- Everybody
in the company thinks that Mr. O’Neil will make a successful manager.
- The result of the exam indicates that you didn't study hard enough.
Appear, seem,
happen, occur ve turn out fiilleri özne olarak "It" kullanmayı gerektirir.
- It appears that we will face terrible conditions on this expedition.(Bana öyle geliyor ki bu çocuk büyüyünce ressam olacak.)
- It occurs to me that his action was deliberate.
- It turned out that he had a number of accomplices in the robbery.
"promise" ve "predict" fiilleri, noun clause'da future tense kullanmayı gerektirir.
- She promises that she will be more careful next time.
- The villagers predict that the harvest will be good this season.
Temel cümlenin
yüklemi past tense ise noun clause'da "will"in past biçimi "would" kullanılır.
- She promised that she would be more careful next time.(Bir dahaki sefere daha dikkatli olacağına söz verdi.)
- The villagers predicted that the harvest would be good this season
beg, command, decide,
demand, determine, order, resolve, urge, insist ve suggest fiilleri ile noun clause'da daha çok "should" kullanılır. Temel cümlenin yüklemi past tense olduğunda da noun clause'daki "should" aynı kalır.
- I suggest that you should go to a doctor. (Doktora gitmeni öneririm.)
- He demanded that I should be on time for work. (İşe vaktinde gelmemi istedi.)
Noun clauses with "the fact"
Bir "that clause"u çoğu zaman "the fact that" biçiminde
kullanabiliriz. "The fact that'li cümle, özne ya da nesne durumunda olabilir.
Statement: She couldn't pass the exam. That disappointed us.
(Onun sınavı
geçememesi bizi hayal
kırıklığına uğrattı.)Statement: She couldn't pass the exam. That disappointed us.
Noun clause: The fact that she couldn't pass the
exam disappointed us.
Bir preposition'dan sonra noun clause gelebilir.
- She takes no notice of what I say.
- Your question isn't related to what we are discussing now.
clause" bir preposition'dan sonra "the fact
that" biçiminde
Statement: He was
devastated by the tragic news.
Noun clause: Yesterday we talked
about the fact
that he was devastated by
the tragic news.
Statement: She is
the author of two well-known books.
Noun clause: I'm interested in the fact that she
is the author of two well-known books.
Noun clause'un tense'i ile temel cümlenin tense'i arasındaki ilişkiyi iki bölümde
Temel cümlenin yüklemi Present Tense ise,
Temel cümlenin yüklemi Past Tense ise.
Noun clause as the object of a verb in Present Tense
Eğer temel cümlenin yüklemi "I think, I have thought" gibi bir present tense ise ya da "I will say, I'm going to say" gibi bir future tense ise, noun clause'un tense'i ile aralarında mantıklı bir uyum
olması gerekir. Yani yüklemin kısıtlayıcı bazı özellikleri yoksa
eğer (örneğin suggest,
recommend, promise, predict gibi fiiller belli tense'leri
gerektirir), noun clause'un tense'i present, past ya da future olabilir.
Statement: He
goes abroad very often.
Noun clause: I think (that) he goes abroad
very often.
Statement: He
is going/is going to go/will go abroad soon.
Noun clause: I think (that) he is going/is going to go/will go abroad soon.
Statement: He
has just gone abroad.
Noun clause:
I think (that) he has just gone abroad.
cümlenin yüklemi present olduğu zaman noun clause'da Past Perfect kullanımı, "after, before, by the time, etc." gibi zaman
bağlaçları kullanarak zamanı netleştirdiğimiz takdirde mümkündür. Yüklem present iken noun clause'da "will'in past biçimi "would" kullanılmaz.
Ancak, "would like, would
prefer, would rather" gibi anlamı present ya da future olan yapılar ve
2. ve 3. type "if
clause" ile kullanılan "would"
ve "would have done" kullanılabilir.
- I think (that) she would succeed if she tried.
- I think (that) she would have succeeded if she had tried.
- I think (that) she would rather go to the theatre than to the cinema.
- I think (that) they had just shipped the order when we called to remind them.
tense kuralları, soru sözcüğüyle ya
da whether/if ile başlayan noun clause'lar için de geçerlidir.
- I don't know when she will leave Istanbul. if she wants to come with us. who left the office last yesterday.
- I have discovered why
she refused our invitation.when she will leave on holiday.
- She will find out what he was doing there at the time.
which one he would rather choose.
if he completed the job he
had been given.
b) Noun
Clause as the object of a verb in Past Tense
Temel cümlenin
yüklemi "I thought, I had
thought" gibi Past ya da Past Perfect Tense ise, noun clause'un
tense'i eylemin oluş zamanını ifade eden tense'in bir derece past biçimidir.
Statement: They
have finished writing their report.
Noun clause: I noticed
(that) they had finished writing their report.
Question: When will he come?
Noun clause: He wondered when he would come.
Ancak noun clause genel bir doğruyu ya da doğa kanununu
ifade ediyorsa, temel cümlenin yüklemi
past olduğunda da noun clause'un tense'i present olabilir.
After the experiment, we found
out that different fluids have different boiling points.
Should, had better, ought to, would rather, would
prefer ve would like, temel fiil past olduğunda da aynı kalır. May, might biçiminde, have to ve must ise had to biçiminde değiştirilir.
I think she would rather stay at home.
(Evde kalmayı
tercih edeceğini zannediyorum.)
I thought she would rather stay at home.
(Evde kalmayı
tercih edeceğini zannediyordum.)
She knows (that) she must/has to help her mother.
She knew (that) she had to help her mother.
Soru sözcüğüyle
ya da "whether"
ile başlayan
clause'ları noun clause cümlesinde should, could, can gibi yapılarda kısaltarak, Question
word + infinitive biçiminde ifade
edebiliriz. Kısaltma yapabilmemiz için öncelikle, temel cümlenin
öznesi ile noun clause'un öznesi
aynı olmalıdır.
I don't know what I should do in this case.
I don't know what to do in this case.
I can't decide whether I should stay home or
come with you. I can't decide whether to stay home or (to) come with you.
Özneler farklı ise kısaltma yapamayız.
I don't know what you should do in this case. (no change)
Temel cümledeki
yüklemin nesnesi ile (indirect
object) noun clause'un öznesi aynı kişi ise yine kısaltma yapabiliriz.
I can tell you how you can get to the station. I can tell you how to get to the
station. (İstasyona nasıl gideceğini söyleyebilirim.)
yaparken, noun clause'da kullanılan tense'i de dikkate
almalıyız. Bu kısaltma her tense ile
mümkün değildir. Should ya da can/could ile kurulmuş cümleleri kısaltabiliriz.
mean any person
mean any thing
means any place
means any time
means any way
Whoever ve whomever, "kim olursa olsan, her kim isterse" anlamına
gelir. Noun clause'un öznesi durumundaysa sadece whoever, nesnesi
durumundaysa whoever ya da whomever kullanabiliriz.
You can give it to whoever needs it.
You can give it to whoever/whomever you
Wherever, "neresi
olursa olsun, canın nereye isterse..." anlamına gelir.
You can put it wherever you think is
We can go wherever you want.
However, "istediğin gibi yap, nasıl istersen öyle yap" anlamına gelir.
- Students
in high school have to wear a uniform in Turkey, but in Europe there is no such rule. Students
may dress however they please.
Whatever ve whichever, "ne istersen,
hangisini istersen" anlamını verir. Burada Önce, "what" ile "which" arasındaki farkı
netleştirmek gerekir.
We shall
try to do whatever is needed to
make your stay an enjoyable one.
There are
three rooms left at the hotel. You can choose whichever you want.
Here are
the box of tools. You can take whichever one suits your requirement.
Think over your
words. Don't just say whatever comes into your mind.
Whenever, "ne zaman
istersen, istediğin zaman" anlamını
We can leave whenever you want.
anlatımı, aktarılan cümlelerin yapısı açısından şu üç grupta inceleyebiliriz:
1- Reporting Statements
2- Reporting Questions
3- Reporting Imperatives
Changes in Reported Speech
Simple Present................................................
Simple Past
"I never get up late." he said. He said (that) he never got up
Present Continuous
....................................... Past Continuous
"I'm working on my thesis," he said. He said {that) he was working on bis thesis.
Present Perfect ..............................................
Past Perfect
"I've applied for a job." he said. He said (that) he had applied for a job.
Present Perfect Continuous ...........................Past Perfect
"I've been working for two hours," he said. He said (that) he had been working
for two hours.
Simple Past
...................................................Past Perfect
"I stayed at home last night," he said. He
said (that) he had stayed at home the previous night.
Past Continuous ............................................
Past Perfect Continuous
"I was working in
am/is/are going to .........................................
was/were going to
....................................................... should/would
................................................ should/would
.................................................................. could
could .............................................................
must, have to
................................................. had to
must, have to (future necessity)
...................... must/had to/would have to
must (deduction)
............................................. must
don't have to
................................................. didn't have to
mustn't ...........................................................
wasn't, weren't to do/mustn't
should/ought to/had better ...............................
should/ought to/had better
may .................................................................
might ..............................................................
used to ............................................................
used to
aktarırken en çok kullanılan aktarma sözü "tell" ve
Eğer aktarma
sözü, "She always tells us, She has just told me, She will tell us" gibi Simple Present, Present Perfect ve Simple Future ise, aktarılan
cümlenin tense'inde bir değişiklik yapılmaz. Sadece gerekli zamir
değişiklikleri yapılır.
Paul : I am not so keen to see that film. Paul says (that) he is not so keen to see that film. Paul has told us (that) he is not so keen to see that film. Paul will tell you (that) he is not so keen to see that film.
Eğer aktarma sözü Simple Past ya da Past Perfect ise (I told him, he had told us, etc.), zamir değişikliklerinin yanı sıra, tense ve zaman zarflarında da değişiklik yapılır. Direct cümlenin zamirlerini değiştirirken, sözü kimin söylediğini ve bu sözü kimin kime aktardığını dikkate almalıyız.
Paul : I am not so keen to see that film. Paul says (that) he is not so keen to see that film. Paul has told us (that) he is not so keen to see that film. Paul will tell you (that) he is not so keen to see that film.
Eğer aktarma sözü Simple Past ya da Past Perfect ise (I told him, he had told us, etc.), zamir değişikliklerinin yanı sıra, tense ve zaman zarflarında da değişiklik yapılır. Direct cümlenin zamirlerini değiştirirken, sözü kimin söylediğini ve bu sözü kimin kime aktardığını dikkate almalıyız.
Ayşe: I will help you tomorrow.
Ayşe told me (that) she would help me the
following day.
Ayşe told her mother (that) she would help her
the following day.
Ayşe told her brother (that) she would help him the
following day.
Expressions of time and
place in Reported Speech
today ..........................................................
that day
tonight ..........................................................
that night
..................................................... the day
before/the previous day
the day before yesterday ............................ two days before/earlier
last week/month/year/night ........................ the previous week/month/year/night (the week etc.
yesterday morning/afternoon/evening ........ the previous
a year/month/week ago ............................... a
year/month/week before, the previous year/month/week
two years/months/weeks ago .........................
two years/ months /weeks
tomorrow .......................................................
the next day/the following day
the day after tomorrow ...................................
in two days' time
next week/month/year ................................... the
following week/month/year
now ...............................................................
then /immediately
"I'll phone you tomorrow," he
said to me.
He told me that he would phone me the next day/the following
"I'm going to visit my relatives today," she said.
She said she was going to visit her relatives that day.
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