5 Şubat 2016 Cuma




Bir gerund ya da infinitive, cümlede isim gibi işlev gören fiildir. İsimlerin kullanıldığı özne, nesne vb. durumunda kullanılır. Gerund *, bir fiil köküne "-ing" takısının eklenmesiyle elde edilir:

Swimming is my favourite sport.

I like reading contemporary books.

Having to get up early won't bother me at all.

Infinitive ise fiilin başına to getirerek ya da fiili yalın haliyle kullanarak elde edilir: to learn English, to climb the mountain, to be able to speak English fluently, etc.

It isn't so difficult to learn English.
To be able to speak English fluently is desired by every learner.
I will let you go soon.

The film made everybody cry.

1-      GERUNDS


Gerund, bir cümlenin ya da bir yan cümlenin öznesi olarak kullanılır.

Reading is essential to broaden one's horizons.

Swimming and running are my favorite sports.

I think that eating a balanced diet will help you to slim healthily.

Gerund'ı olumsuz yapmak için başına not getirilir.

                                Not being aware of the facts can't be regarded as an excuse.

His not wanting to come with us surprised us all.


Bir gerund be fiilinden sonra gelerek özneyi tanımlayan bir sözcük olabilir.

What he is most interested in is driving at high speed.

Her biggest dream is having a more affectionate mother.


Bazı  fiiller,  kendilerinden  sonra gelen fiili gerund biçiminde alırlar.  Gerund bu cümlelerde nesne olarak işlev görür.

I'm afraid I have to delay going on holiday.

I enjoy walking by the sea very much.

You can go out when you've finished doing your homework.

Bu şekilde yaygın olarak kullanılan fiiller şunlardır:

admit                 delay             involve                         recollect (remember)

anticipate          deny              keep                             recommend

appreciate         detest             mean                            remember

avoid                 discuss           mention                        resent

can't help          dislike            mind                             resist

can't stand         enjoy             miss                              risk

complete           excuse *        postpone                      stop

consider            finish             practise                         suggest

contemplate      forgive           quit                               tolerate

defer                 imagine          recall (remember)         understand *

Examples :

He admitted stealing his mother's silver tray but denied selling it for drugs.

I appreciate being with friends.

He avoided looking at me while I was criticising him.

I can't help feeling sorry when I see small children in the street begging for money.

I excused her taking my dress without my permission.

I miss our gathering round my grandmother and listening to her war tales.

They had to postpone giving a party because of the car accident their son had.

The Possessive + Gerund

Bir gerund'ın önünde iyelik sıfatı (possessive adjective :  my, your, his, our, Ali's, my father's, my sisters', 

etc.) kullanılır. Ancak günlük dilde possessive yerine object pronoun da kullanılır.

Formal    :    I will never forgive Jack's scolding me in public.

I will never forgive his scolding me in public.
Informal  :    I will never forgive Jack scolding me in public.

I will never forgive him scolding me in public.

Bir gerund'm önünde possessive kullanıldığı zaman, genellikle anlamda bir değişme olur.

I admit being guilty.

Suçlu olduğumu kabul ediyorum.

I admit his being guilty.

Onun suçlu olduğunu kabul ediyorum.


Bir preposition'dan sonra isim gelir. Bu nedenle bir preposition'dan sonra gelen fiil gerund biçimindedir.

She is afraid of the dark.

She is afraid of going out in the dark.

I object to his proposal.  
I object to doing the job as he proposed.

I'm looking forward to my holiday.

I'm looking forward to having my holiday soon.

Son iki örnekte, to dan sonra gerund kullanımına dikkat ediniz. Bu örneklerde to, infinitive'in bir bölümü değil, preposition'dur. Bu nedenle kendinden sonra gerund gelir. Preeposition’ı to olan yaygın yapılar şunlardır.

Be accustomed to                                           object to/have an objection to

be used to                                                       prefer something to doing something            

look forward to                                              in addition to/due to/ owing to etc.    

be opposed to

Preposition + Gerund yapısını üç bölümde inceleyebiliriz.

a)        Verb + Preposition + Gerund

b)       Adjective -r Preposition + Gerund

c)       Nouıı + Preposition + Gerund

a)        Verb + Preposition + Gerund

Bir preposition ile birlikte kullanılan fiilleri iki gruba ayırabiliriz.

1-       Verb + Preposition + Gerund

abstain from
He now has to abstain
drinking alcohol.
apologise for            ^
I apologised
being late.
adjust to
You will have to adjust
eating English meals when you go there.

approve/disapprove of  x
Do you approve
her staying out so late?
argue about
Last night, we argued
her staying out so late.
believe in
I really believe
working hard for World Peace.
care about
Do you care
being well-dressed?
care for
I don't care
going to that film.
comment on
I don't want to comment
his solving the problem.
complain about
He always complains
having too much work.
concentrate on
You have to concentrate
improving your vocabulary.
consist of
Being a good student consists
studying  regularly.
deal with
I want to deal  
redecorating the house first.
decide against
Seeing the cold weather, we decided
going on a day out.
depend on (upon)
To pass the exam depends
your studying hard.
dream of
He has always dreamed
being a famous actor someday.
feel like
I feel
having a short trip.
forget about
She is trying to forget
being deceived by him.
insist on
Do you still insist
wearing that funny tie?
look forward to
What are you looking forward
doing most?
object to
Why do you always object
my wearing jeans?
participate in
I want to participate
formulating the budget.
plan on
What do you plan
doing this weekend?
refer to
In his speech, the chairman referred
expanding the firm into the Middle East.
take advantage of
We should take advantage
living in a big city.
talk about
Last night, we talked
economizing to keep up with the
increasing prices.
think about/of
She is thinking
spending a  year in England to
improve her English.
succeed in
Are you sure you'll succeed
persuading your father?
worn' about
Don't worry
my working so hard

2-       Verb + Object + Preposition + Gerund

accuse someone of
They accused
the mail
robbing the bank.
apologise to someone for
She apologised
to me
being late.
arrest someone for
They arrested
the guard
helping the robbers.
blame someone for
I blamed
making me late.
charge someone with
Thev will charge
falsifying the accounts.
complain to someone about
1 complained
to the owner
hassling us for the rent.
congratulate someone on
I congratulated
being the top student.
deter someone from
The storm deterred
the climbers
going on their climb.
devote oneself to
She devoted
bringing up her children.
discourage someone from
Someone discouraged
going in for the beauty contest.
forgive someone for
I can't forgive
lying to me.
involve someone in
They didn't involve
their father
fighting their rivals.
keep someone from
By speaking too
loudly they kept
prevent someone from             -•
What prevented
leaving on holiday?
punish someone for
You shouldn't punish
the child
stealing the candy.
stop someone from
Her cold attitude
making friends with her.
suspect someone of
They suspected
betraying his partners.
thank someone for
I want to thank
helping me to find
warn someone about/against
We warned
the children
going too near the lake.
We warned
the children
playing too near the lake.

Bu fiiller passive durumda çok sık kullanılırlar.

They accused the man of robbing the bank.

The man was accused of robbing the bank.

They suspected the man at the corner of being a thief.

The man at the corner was suspected of being a thief.

b)        Adjective + Preposition + Gerund

Pek çok sıfat bir preposition ile birlikte kullanılır ve bu preposition'dan sonra bir isim ya da gerund gelir. 

Your younger son seems very good at drawing.

You are certainly capable of doing much better work.

Bu şeklide yaygın olarak kullanılan sıfatlar şunlardır:

accustomed to       different from           feel guilty for/about     sorry about

afraid of                essential to/for          be guilty of                  successful in

angry at                 excellent in/at           incapable of                 suitable for

appropriate for      excited about            interested in                 sure of (about)

ashamed of           exposed to                jealous of                     surprised at

aware of                famous for                keen on                        terrified of

bored with             fed up with               lazy about                    tired of (from)

capable of             fond of                     opposed to                   used to (accustomed to)

concerned about   generous about         proud of                      worried about

content with          good at                      responsible for             happy about

delighted at           grateful to sb. for      similar to

Noun + Preposition + Gerund

Bazı isimler kendilerinden sonra bir preposition + gerund yapısıyla kullanılırlar. Bazıları da hem kendinden önce hem de kendinden sonra preposition alabilirler. Bu şekilde yaygın olarak kullanılan yapılar şunlardır:

on account of
..... yüzünden
in case of
..... durumunda
* difficulty in
..... sıkıntı çekmek
in addition to
..... ilaveten, yanı sıra
* in charge of
..... ile yükümlü
* in danger of
..... tehlikesiyle karşı karşıya
in exchange for
..... karşılık olarak
excuse for
..... mazereti olmak
in favour of
..... lehinde olmak, taraftar olmak
for fear of
..... korkusuyla
* in the habit of
..... alışkanlığında olmak
in return for
..... karşılık olarak
instead of
interest in
..... ilgisi olmak
in the course of
..... sırasında, esnasında
in the middle of
..... ortasında
need for
..... olan gereksinim
reason for
..... nedeni
for the sake of
......hatırı için, ..... uğruna
in spite of
..... rağmen
* technique for
..... nın tekniği
the point of
..... nın gereği, ..... nın anlamı (yok)
* on the point of
..... yapmak üzere olmak


Bu yapılan kullanırken, gerund'un başında possessive adjective  (my,  your,  his,  etc.) yaygın olarak kullanılır. (Başında yıldız bulunan yapılarla possessive kullanılmaz.)

I'm not in favour of your going abroad for education.

In exchange for your taking the time to help me, I want to do something for you.


We were late for the concert on account of your taking too much time to get dressed.

I can only afford to look after myself now, but in case of my parents' needing any help, I'd go short myself.   

In addition to working in an office during the day, she is attending English courses in the evenings.

You are in charge of meeting the customers and making them feel comfortable.

You are in danger of losing all your money.

In exchange for borrowing this book from you, I can lend you one of mine.

Do you have a good excuse for being late?

I'm in favour of taking strict measures against drunken driving.

We went in quietly for fear of waking the others at home.

I'm not in the habit of going to bed very late.

Will you get anything in return for helping them?

Can you tell me what is the need for your working so hard?

The reason for his not being able to get up early is that he goes to bed too late.

Everybody must do whatever they can for the sake of realizing World Peace.

She has difficulty (in) making ends meet in spite of earning a big salary.

They were on the point of leaving the office when it started to rain heavily.


Yüklem ile gerund’ı, gerçekleştikleri zaman açısından karşılaştırdığımızda, eğer gerund yüklemden önce 

gerçekleşmişse, simple gerund (doing) yerine perfect gerund (having done) kullanabiliriz.

The thief admitted that he had stolen the car.

(Arabayı  çalmış  olması   (had  stolen),  yüklemden   (admitted) daha  önce gerçekleşmiştir.)

The thief admitted stealing / having stolen the car.

At the court, the headmaster denied hitting / having hit the child.

He was accused  of embezzling  /  having embezzled  a large sum  of money into his own account.

I appreciated your helping / having helped me.

Perfect gerund kullanımı admit ve deny fiilleri ile yaygındır. Diğer fiillerle simple gerund tercih edilir.


Passive'in temel kuralı be + past participle (be done) olduğu için, kendinden sonra gerund alan fiiller, bu passive yapıyı being done biçiminde alır.

I have been invited to the party. I appreciate this.

I appreciate being invited to the party.

(Partiye davet edilmek hoşuma gitti.)

Bu kullanımlarda yüklemin active, gerund'ın passive olduğuna dikkat ediniz.

She insists on our telling her the truth whatever it is.

She insists on being told the truth whatever it is.

I don't enjoy being asked personal questions.

You can't go to a party without being invited.

He is justly proud of being elected chairman.

I resented not being invited to the wedding.

I can't stand being told what to do.

I don't recall being informed about this case before.

Perfect gerund'ın passive biçimi için having been done kullanılır.

The man denied being involved/having been involved in the robbery.

She went to the party without being invited/having been invited.

I don't recall being told/having been told about this case before.

She doesn't seem interested in being given/having been given a reward for her work.


Infinitive, fiilin başına "to" ekleyerek ya da fiili yalın haliyle kullanarak elde edilir. Bir infinitive, aynı 

gerund gibi, cümlede özne ya da nesne durumunda kullanılabilen isimleşmiş fiildir.

She wants to study languages at university.

To be a student is really a difficult job.

They are planning to move into another house.

Her father doesn't let her go out alone at night.

His poor appearance made us feel sorry for him.

Infinitive’i olumsuz yapmak için başına not getirilir.

It's difficult for a mother not to feel concerned about her children.

She pretended not to see me.

Yüklemin olumsuz olmasıyla, infinitive'in olumsuz olmasının cümlenin anlamını değiştirdiğine dikkat ediniz.

I haven't decided yet to go to the cinema with you.

(Sizinle sinemaya gitmeye henüz karar vermedim.)

I have decided not to go to the cinema with you.

(Sizinle sinemaya gitmemeye karar verdim.)


Simple infinitive ya da infinitive phrase bir cümlenin öznesi olabilir. Ancak İngilizce'de, cümleye infinitive bir özne ile başlamak pek yaygın değildir. Bunun yerine cümleye "It" ile başlayıp, asıl özneyi yüklemden sonra kullanmak daha yaygındır.

To save money is impossible these days.

It is impossible to save money these days.

To chat is fun.

It is fun to chat.



Be   fiilinden sonra infinitive kullanarak özneyi tanımlayıcı ya da açıklayıcı bir ifade elde edebiliriz.

When I was a child, my ambition was to be an architect.

A government's policy should be to do whatever is needed to improve the standard of living.

After dinner tonight, my plan is to take a walk along the seashore.

What you need is to get some fresh air.


Kendinden sonra infinitive alan fiilleri üç gruba ayırabiliriz.

a)            Verb + infinitive

She decided to move to another city.           

b)            Verb + noun/pronoun + infinitive        

She persuaded me to go with her.

c)            Either verb + infinitive or verb + noun/pronoun + infinitive

She expected to get home early.

She expected me to get home early.

a)            Verb + Infinitive

Kendinden sonra direk infinitive alan fiillerden yaygın olarak kullanılanlar şunlardır:

afford                    consent                    hesitate               plan                           seem

agree                      decide                                                  hope                          prepare                                        


appear                    demand                    learn                  pretend            swear     

arrange                   deserve                                                manage                     proceed            


care                        endeavor                   mean                   promise            threaten

choose (prefer)      fail                                                       prove               volunteer

claim                      happen                      offer                  refuse                        wait


They couldn't afford to go on holiday last summer.

I don't agree to work with him.

You appear to be pale today. Is there something wrong?

We arranged to meet in front of the cinema.

I don't care to live alone.

She chose to stay home while we went out.

Don't hesitate to contact me if you need any help.

She demanded in a firm voice to talk to me.

She endeavored to finish her homework, but she couldn't.

He never seems to succeed.

She sometimes tends to speak too much.

Prove, kendinden sonra bir reflexive pronoun + infinitive alabilir.

The new headmaster proved to be successful.

The new headmaster proved himself to be successful.

Prove'dan sonra infinitive kullanmadan, direk sıfat kullanabiliriz.

The new project proved useless.

He soon proved successful.

b)        Verb + Noun / Pronoun + Infinitive

Bu gruptaki fiiller, kendilerinden sonra direk infinitive alamazlar. Fiil ile infinitive arasında me, you, him, 

them, Jane, our teacher, my parents, etc. gibi indirect object olması gerekir.

advise                 convince                instruct                            request

allow                   direct                     invite                              require

appoint               enable                    motivate                          how...how

cause                  encourage              oblige                              teach

caution                forbid                    order                               tell

challenge            force                      permit                             tempt

command            hire                        persuade                         urge

compel                implore                  remind                            warn


Her father doesn't allow her to go out at night.

They appointed him to investigate.

He challenged me to swim to the other side of the river.   .

They compelled me to tell the truth about her.

Owning a car enables you to travel without difficulty.

Last night, we hired a babysitter to look after our son.

I reminded him to buy some bread while coming back.

My niece requested me to help her with her English assignment.

His bad companions tempted him to drink heavily.

Bu fiiller passive durumda ise, kendilerinden sonra direk infinitive gelir. Çünkü active cümlenin nesnesi 

özne durumuna geçmiştir.

She isn't allowed to go out at night.

I was compelled to tell the truth about her.

He was reminded to buy some bread while coming back.

I was told to be there on time.

He was tempted by his bad companions to drink heavily.

c)        Verb + Infinitive or Verb + Noun /Pronoun + Infinitive

Bu gruptaki fiiller hem kendilerinden hemen sonra hem de bir dolaylı nesneden sonra infinitive alabilirler. 

Ancak iki cümlenin anlamı farklıdır. Şu iki cümleyi inceleyelim.

I want to study hard. (Çok çalışmak istiyorum.)

I want you to study hard. (Çok çalışmanı istiyorum.)

Bu Gruptaki yaygın olarak kullanılan fiiller şunlardır:

ask                dare                  prefer                     wish

beg                expect                                             promise                    would like

choose                                   need                       want

Bu fiillerin, "promise" dışında, hepsi dolaylı nesne ile kullanıldığında, yukarıdaki örnekte gördüğümüz anlam değişikliğine uğrarlar. Ancak promise nesne aldığında da, eylemi yapan kişi durumunda bir değişme olmaz.

I promised to quit smoking. (Söz veren ve sigarayı bırakacak olan "ben".)

I promised my mother to quit smoking. (Söz veren ve sigarayı bırakacak olan yine "ben", "promised my mother" sadece sözün kime verildiğini belirtiyor.)

Soruda ya da olumsuz cümlede, dare fiilinden sonra infinitive "to" ile ya da yalın olarak gelebilir.

-    Would you dare do/to do a parachute jump?

-    No, I wouldn't dare do/to do that.

Ancak, olumsuzluğu daren't biçiminde ifade ediyorsak, infinitive yalın olarak gelir.

I daren't do a parachute jump.

Dare, kendinden sonra dolaylı nesne alıyorsa, to + infinitive kullanılır.

My friend dared me to swim across the Bosphorus.

Do you dare me to talk back to my boss when I believe he is wrong?


Bazı fiiller kendilerinden sonra hem gerund hem infinitive alabilirler. Bunların bir bölümünde, gerund ya da infinitive kullanılması anlam değişikliğine yol açmaz. Bir bölümünde ise anlam değişir.

a)         Gerund or infinitive with no or little change in meaning.   

advise         cannot bear         encourage                          intend              need                 prefer

allow           continue              forbid           like                                       neglect recommend

attempt        dislike                                      hate              love                 permit             start

begin           dread


Bu fiillerden attempt, begin, cannot bear, continue, dislike, dread, hate, intend, like, love, neglect ve start 

gerund ya da infinitive aldığında aralarında önemli bir fark yoktur.

I attempted doing/to do the job without getting any help.

Just as I left the office, it began raining/to rain.

I can't bear listening/to listen to that sort of music.

After a brief interval, we continued working/to work.

She dislikes being told/to be told what to do.

I hate washing/to wash the dishes.

They intend moving/to move into a bigger house.

Bu fiillerin kendileri sürerlilik bildiren tense'lerle kullanılmışsa, kendilerinden sonra infinitive alırlar.*  

It was beginning to rain when I left the office.

She was still continuing to work at the same company despite problems.

Bu fiillerden advise, allow, encourage, forbid, permit ve recommend, kendinden sonra indirect object (him, 

them, etc.) varsa infinitive, indirect object yoksa gerund alır.

I advise driving more slowly on this slippery road.

I advise you to drive more slowly on this slippery road.

I don't allow chewing gum during the class.

I don't allow my students to chew gum during the class.

1 encourage speaking freely in the class.

I encourage my students to speak freely in the class.

The law forbids travelling without wearing a seat belt.

The law forbids us to travel without wearing a seat belt.

b)        Gerund or infinitive with a change in meaning

forget              mean (intend)                                   regret                           try (make an effort)

remember        mean (result in, involve)    stop                           try (experiment)

Forget ve remember, geçmişte yaptığımız bir işi daha sonra unutmak, hatırlamak anlamındaysa gerund 

alır. Yapmayı planladığımız ya da düşündüğümüz bir işi yapmayı unutmak, hatırlamak anlamındaysa 

infinitive alır.

-    Do you remember our being stuck in the mud with the car last winter?

-    Yes, I also remember very clearly your losing your temper.

-    Really? What did I do?

-    You kicked the car, and its rear fender dented.

-    Oh, I'd completely forgotten doing that.

-          Please remember (don't forget) to tell him that I will be waiting at our usual cafe around 4 o'clock.

-          Okay. I promise you. I won't forget (will remember) to give him your message.

Because I left home in a hurry, I forgot to take my purse with me. 
(Cüzdanımı  yanıma almayı unuttum.Yani yapmam gereken bir işi yapmadım.)

Mean, eğer kastetmek, niyet etmek anlamındaysa infinitive alır.

I don't mean to hurt you by criticising so severely, but it's for your own sake.

He had meant to go on a camping holiday this year, but I think his wife didn't agree.

Mean, anlamına gelmek, demek anlamındaysa gerund alır.

Being a parent means having a lot of responsibilities.

If we can't reach an agreement soon about where to have lunch, I’m afraid it will mean wasting our lunch break here in the office.

Regret, geçmişte yaptığımız ya da yapmadığımız bir işten dolayı pişmanlık duymak anlamındaysa gerund 
alır. Gerund'ın ifade ettiği eylem, pişman olma eyleminden daha önce gerçekleşmiş olduğu için doing yerine 
having done kullanabiliriz.

He regrets that he didn't attend university.

He regrets not attending/not having attended university.

She regretted that she hadn't listened to her .mother's advice.

She regretted not listening/not having listened to her mother's advice.

She regrets that she bought an orange car.

She regrets buying/having bought an orange car.

Regret, yapmayı planladığımız bir işi yapamayacağımızı ifade ederken I’m sorry" anlamında kullanılıyorsa infinitive alır. Bu anlamda regret, tell, say, inform gibi fiillerle birlikte çok sık kullanılır.

I regret to tell you that I can't come with you.

(I'm sorry to tell you that .................... )

I regret to inform you that you couldn't get a pass grade.

Stop doing, yapmakta olduğumuz bir işi durdurmak anlamında kullanılır.

When I entered the classroom, the students stopped chatting among themselves. (They had been chatting before I came in.)

When some guests arrived after dinner. I stopped studying.

Stop to do, bir şey yapmak için durmak anlamında kullanılır. Burada "to" amaç bildirdiği için "stop to do" yerine "stop in order to do" da kullanabiliriz.

When the phone rang, I stopped my work to/in order to answer the phone.

When a loud noise was heard, everybody in the street stopped to/in order to see what had happened.

Bazen bu iki yapıyı bir arada kullanmamız gerekebilir:

Stop doing something to do something else

When the phone rang, I stopped studying to/in order to answer it.

When a student raised his hand, I stopped lecturing to/in order to listen to him.

Try, çabalamak, çalışmak anlamındaysa infinitive alır.

I tried hard to catch the train, but I couldn't.

She tried to persuade her father to let her go to the cinema.

I tried to warn you, but you were too busy to listen to me.

Try, bir yöntemin işe yarayıp yaramayacağını anlamak için denemek anlamında kullanılıyorsa,
geründ alır.

Because it was very hot last night, I couldn't get to sleep.

I tried opening the window, but it didn't work. Then I took a cold shower. It worked!

-    Take a tablet if you have a headache.

-    I tried taking one, but it didn't help.

-    Then, try having a rest. It may work.


Infinitive, bazı isimlerden sonra gelerek, o ismi tanımlayan bir sıfat işlevini üstlenir. Bu şekilde yaygın olarak kullanılan isimler şunlardır:

ability           demand          failure                       request

ambition       desire              offer                         right

anxiety         determination plan                          scheme

attempt         eagerness        promise                    willingness

decision       effort              refusal                      wish

Not every person has the ability to think logically. Some people lack it totally.

His ambition to become the top student in the class made him ill.

My determination to go on walking even in the rain surprised them all.

His eagerness to pass the exam is at its peak these days.


Kişinin duygu  ya da tavrını ifade eden sıfatlardan sonra infinitive gelebilir. Bu şekilde yaygın olarak kullanılan sıfatlar şunlardır:

content               disgusted                 determined              reluctant

delighted            disturbed                 motivated               certain

glad                    sad                           prepared                likely

happy                 sorry                        ready                     amazed

pleased               upset                        willing                    astonished

relieved              proud                       afraid                     surprised

lucky                  ashamed                  carefully                shocked

fortunate            anxious                    hesitant                  stunned

disappointed       eager

She is hesitant to accept their job offer.

I'm reluctant to go with them.

I was surprised to see Jane at the party.

She was determined to have a university education.

I was  relieved to get  the news that they didn't get injured  in  the accident.

Eğer sıfattan sonra bir preposition kullanılmışsa, preposition'dan sonra gelen yapının gerund olmasına dikkat ediniz.

She was proud to be the top student in the class.

She was proud of being the top student in the class.

She was ashamed to have made such rude remarks.

She was ashamed of having made such rude remarks.

Adjective + infinitive, daha çok bir that-clause ya da when-clause'u kısaltarak ifade etmek biçiminde kullanılır.

She was disgusted when she saw the kitchen in such a mess.

She was disgusted to see the kitchen in such a mess.

(Mutfağı pislik içinde görünce iğrendi.)

She was disappointed that she didn't get the job.

She was disappointed not to get the job.

Bu kısaltmayı yaparken, temel cümle ile yan cümlenin öznesinin aynı olmasına dikkat ediniz. Eğer özneler aynı değil ise, passive infinitive kullanarak yine aynı anlamı verebiliriz.

She was disappointed that they didn't give her the job.

She was disappointed not to be given the job.


Infinitive'in passive biçimi to be done şeklinde ifade edilir.

I don't want you to order me what to do.

I don't want to be ordered what to do.

I didn't expect she would invite me to her wedding.

I didn't expect to be invited to her wedding.

(Onun düğününe davet edileceğimi ummuyordum.)

Infinitive'in past biçimi to have done, passive past biçimi ise to have been done şeklinde ifade edilir. Infinitive'in ifade ettiği eylem yüklemden daha önce gerçekleşmişse, past infinitive kullanmamız gerekir.

Past infinitive özellikle seem, appear, pretend gibi fiillerle; lucky, fortunate, happy, pleased, content, likely gibi sıfatlarla çok sık kullanılır.

I'm happy that I passed the exam.

I'm happy to have passed the exam.

(I passed the exam sometime before now, and now I'm happy.)

She is fortunate that she received a good education.

She is fortunate to have received a good education.

It seems that you have passed the exam.

You seem to have passed the exam.

It appears that she told a lie.

She appears to have told a lie.

It seems that they were surprised at the news.

They seem to have been surprised at the news.

(Habere şaşırmış gibi görünüyorlar.)

To do/to be done ile to have done/to have been done arasındaki farkı görmek için şu cümleleri inceleyelim:

She is fortunate that she will study abroad.

She is fortunate to study abroad.

(Yurt dışında öğrenim göreceği için şanslı.)

She is fortunate that she studied abroad.

She is fortunate to have studied abroad.

(Yurt dışında öğrenim gördüğü için şanslı.)

She is lucky that she will be sent abroad.

She is lucky to be sent abroad.

She is lucky that she was sent abroad.

She is lucky to have been sent abroad.

It seems that he works very hard all the time.

He seems to work very hard all the time.

H seems that he worked very hard yesterday.

He seems to have worked very hard yesterday.

It's likely that she is at home now.

She is likely to be at home now.

It's likely that she was at home then.

She is likely to have been at home then.

It seems he is given pay rises regularly.

He seems to be given pay rises regularly.

It seems he was given a pay rise last month.

He seems to have been given a pay rise last month.


Amaç bildiren bir yapı  olarak in order to  do yerine sadece to  do  kullanabiliriz.  Olumsuz ifadelerde "in order not to do" kullanılır.

I will go shopping because I want to buy some vegetables.

I will go shopping to buy/in order to buy some vegetables.

I get up early because I don't want to be late for work.

I get up early in order not to be late for work.

I went to the bookstore because I wanted to buy a book.

I went to the bookstore to buy/in order to buy a book.


Too + adjective/adverb ve adjective/adverb + enough yapıları kendilerinden sonra infinitive alır.

This box is too heavy. Nobody can carry it.

This box is too heavy to carry.

(Bu kutu taşınamayacak kadar ağır.)


Too + adjective/adverb kalıbı yapı olarak olumlu olmasına rağmen anlamca olumsuzdur.

It's too late to go out.  

(Dışarı çıkılamayacak kadar geç oldu.)

She is too young to get married.

(Evlenemeyecek kadar küçük.)

Adjective/adverb + enough, olumlu cümlede kullanıldığı zaman, eylemin yapabileceğimiz
ölçülerde olduğunu ifade eder.                

This box is light. Anyone can carry it.

This box is light enough to carry.

(Bu kulu taşınabilecek kadar halif.)

This box is light I can carry it.

This box is light enough for me to carry.

(Bu kutu benim taşıyabileceğim kadar hafif.)

Enough, bir sıfat ya da zarftan sonra (strong enough, rich enough, etc.) bir isimden önce gelir:* (enough strength, enough money, etc.)

She is not experienced enough to do this job.

She doesn't have enough experience to do this job.

I'm courageous enough to talk back to him.

I have enough courage to talk back to him.



See, hear, watch, feel, etc. gibi duyu fiilleri kendinden sonraki fiili iki şekilde alır: gerund ya da fiilin yalın hali.

Eğer bir eylemin olusunu baştan sona görmüşsek, izlemişsek, fiilin yalın hali kullanılır. Devam etmekte olan bir eylemi görmüşsek gerund kullanılır. Şimdi şu iki cümleyi inceleyelim.

Yesterday, I took my son to the park. There, I sat on a park bench and watched my son play with other children. (Oğlumun oyun oynamasını bastan sona izledim.)

When I looked out of the window, I saw some children playing in the street. (Çocukların oynama eylemi devam ediyordu. Ben onları bir an gördüm. Oynamaya başladıkları zamanı görmedim.)

He unlocked the safe and took some money. I saw this. I saw him unlock the safe and take some money.

(Kasayı açıp biraz para aldığını gördüm.)


When I entered the room, he was taking some money out of the safe. I saw this.

I saw him taking some money out of the safe.

(Onu, kasadan para alırken gördüm.)

                              SEE SOMEONE DOING

Bu kullanımlar özellikle see, hear, watch, listen to, feel ve observe fiilleriyle yaygındır.  Çoğu zaman,  gerund ya da fiilin yalın halini kullanmak anlamı pek etkilemez.

When I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, I felt the ground shake/shaking.

Yesterday, I saw him run/running down the street.

Smell, find ve catch fiilleriyle sadece gerund kullanılır.

When I entered the house, I could smell something burning.

When I got home, I found my son sleeping.

He had given up smoking, but last night, I caught him smoking on the balcony.

Passive cümlede gerund kullanımı aynı kalır. Ancak fiilin yalın hali, passive cümlede to+infinitive biçimine dönüşür.

Someone saw the missing child walking along the river.

The missing child was seen walking along the river.

They last saw him driving downtown late last night.

He was last seen driving downtown late last night.

Someone saw him leave the building hurriedly.

He was seen to leave the building hurriedly.

They clearly saw him steal the watch.       

He was clearly seen to steal the watch.


Let'den sonra infinitive "to" almadan gelir.

I will let you go when you have finished your work.

They didn't let me explain my excuse.

Don't let him start smoking at such an early age.

Will you let your daughter stay out so late?

Help'den sonra infinitive yalın haliyle ya da "to" alarak kullanılır.

Will you please help me lay/to lay the table?

I helped my mother clean/to clean the house.

Talking to a native English speaker will help you improve/to improve your English.

When I got lost in the country, a villager helped me find/to find my way.


Bu gruptaki fiiller, daha çok kendilerinden sonra bir that-clause alırlar. Ancak bu fiilleri verb+noun/pronoun+infinitive kalıbıyla kullanmak da mümkündür. Bu şekilde yaygın olarak kullanılan fiiller şunlardır:

acknowledge    find                    believe              suppose        imagine

guess                calculate             know                 assume         judge

consider            maintain             declare              discover        proclaim

reckon              estimate              take (presume)  fancy            prove

see                    understand         think                  feel               show

I believe that he is the best of you all.       I consider that he has a lot of money.

I believe him to be the best of you all.          I consider him to have a lot of money.

We know that he is an honest man.

We know him to be an honest man.

Örneklerden de anlaşılacağı gibi, bu yapı ile kullanabileceğimiz infinitive genellikle to be ve to have fiilleridir. Bu fiillerin yanı sıra, "know, like, love, etc." gibi nonprogressive fiiller de kullanılabilir.


Soru sözcüğüyle ya da whether ile başlayan noun clause'ları belli koşulları göz önüne alan question word + infinitive biçiminde kısaltabiliriz.*

She can't decide what she should do.

She can't decide what to do.

Can you tell me where I can buy cheap but fresh fruit?

Can you tell me where to buy cheap but fresh fruit?

I don't know whether I should come with you or stay home.

I don't know whether to come with you or (to) stay home.


Türkçe karşılığı ettirgen çatı olan causative,  İngilizcede have, get ve make fiilleriyle elde edilir. Üçü de anlamca birbirine yakın olmalanna rağmen, aralarında küçük farklar vardır.

a)        Have:      Daha çok kişinin doğal görevi olan bir işi yaptırmak anlamında kullanılır:               tamirciye araba tamir ettirmek, terziye elbise diktirmek vb. gibi.

                              HAVE SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING

Yesterday, I had the mechanic repair my car.

I will have the plumber fix the leak tomorrow.

I have had my tailor make a wonderful dress.

(Terzime harika bir elbise diktirdim.)

Ancak, bu tür cümlelerde genellikle işi yapan kişi değil, işin yapılması önemlidir. Bu durumda, işi yapan kişiyi belirtmeden direk yapılan işi ifade edebiliriz.
                                 HAVE SOMETHING DONE

Yesterday, I had my car repaired (by the mechanic.)

I will have the leak fixed tomorrow (by the plumber.)

I have had a wonderful dress made (by my tailor.)

(Harika bir elbise diktirdim.)

b)        Get:        Birini ikna ederek bir iş yaptırmak anlamını ifade eder.


My mother is a good tailor, but she doesn't sew any more.

I want to get her to make me a dress for my graduation ball.

Yesterday, I got my friend to write a composition for me.

She is rather lazy. She always gets her sister to clean their room.    

(Odalarını her zaman kızkardeşine temizletir.)

Get something done ile have something done arasında bir fark yoktur ve birbirinin yerine kullanılabilirler.
                            GET SOMETHING DONE
I want to get a dress made for my graduation ball.

I got a composition written for me (by my friend.)

She always gets their room cleaned by her sister.

c)        Make:     Birine zorlama ile bir iş yaptırmak anlamını ifade eder.

                           MAKE SOMEONE DO SOMETHING
I made my son do his homework before he went outside to play. (I forced him to do....)

The film made us laugh a lot.   (Film bizi çok güldürdü.)

His broken leg made him stay in bed for a month.

Make'in passive biçimi, get ve have'in passive biçiminden (get/have something done) farklıdır. Passive anlam için make'in kendisi passive'e dönüştürülür.

                        BE MADE TO DO SOMETHING

The film made me cry. (active)

I was made to cry by the film. (passive)

His friends made him laugh during the class, (active)

He was made to laugh by his friends during the class. (passive)

make + noun/pronoun kalıbından sonra, fiil kullanmadan direk sıfat da gelebilir. Bu kullanım get ve have ile mümkün değildir.

His coming late made me feel angry.

His coming late made me angry.

Her strange behaviour makes everybody feel surprised.

Her strange behaviour makes everybody surprised. (surprised burada bir sıfattır.)

The good news made me feel relieved.

The good news made me relieved. (relieved burada bir sıfattır.)

d)        Have fiilini bazı passive cümlelerin ifade ettiği anlamı vermek için de kullanabiliriz.

He had his wallet stolen on the train on his way to Ankara.

(Ankara'ya giderken trende cüzdanını çaldırdı.)

His wallet was stolen on the train on his way to Ankara.

(Ankara'ya giderken trende cüzdanı çalındı.)

Bu iki cümle yapı olarak farklı olmalarına karşın, aynı anlamı ifade etmektedir.

They had their house broken into last week.

Their house was broken into last week.

You might have your hair harmed while getting it permed.

Your hair might be harmed while it is being permed.

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