24 Aralık 2015 Perşembe


Dear  All,

Thank you for choosing ITU for YDS preparation. Well, let me explain YDS....

The YDS (Yabancı Dil Seviye Belirleme Sınavıdır) is an English language proficiency test, mostly taken by civil servants, academics and military personnel. It is administered by ÖSYM in Turkey in order to evaluate the foreign-language skills, especially of governmental employees. The state pays extra money to public servants and employees of state agencies depending on their score on the test, and also uses this test to appoint employees to the positions located out of the country.

The test is administered every six months and is taken by more than 100,000 people. It can be taken electronically.

It is administered in several languages, but mainly in English. It is carried out in several cities throughout Turkey on the first Sundays of May and November.

The test consists of 80 multiple-choice questions to be finished within 150 minutes. The questions mainly deal with English vocabulary, English language grammatical structures, sentence completion, English-Turkish translation, Turkish-English translation, English paragraph completion, locating the irrelevant sentence in a paragraph, restatement, dialogue completion and reading comprehension passages.

The fact that the test evaluates only the reading comprehension skills while ignoring the listening, speaking and writing skills has been harshly criticized.

It is great to have lessons with you. It is an intensive course, so you need to devote your time and energy to the lessons and exercises.

On the other hand, you are self-motivated, which is crucial while learning English. Since we do not have a class picture, I have not uploaded one yet. but will take your pictures and upload them to our blog. Well... Let me explain why I decided to open this blog. To be honest, there are so many reasons:

  • Since you are a tech-savvyI thought you may use interactive tools easily.
  • We all have limited time, so this blog may be a great help to stay in touch.
  • I hope by means of the activities on our blog, you will be able see your strenghts and weaknesses.
  • I have taken some online courses provided by Oregon University, and the British Council. I believe that if I put into practice whatever I know, it will be helpful to improve your English.  
What is our class profile?

Based on the exam results, I think you are able to express yourselves clearly. I guess you are familiar with the exam....  You are almost adults (17+) and eager to start and complete your academic career. There are 16 students in the class.

What is the setting?

Thank you for choosing Istanbul Technical University (ITU), where we provide a one-year intensive English program for our students before they start their faculty. It is such a crowded school. We run two different preparatory programs; one for the ones who will study at ITU, and the other for the ones who will study both at ITU and a sister school in the USA.

Apart from preparatory programs, we also have English lessons for Continuous Education Program called SEM shortly. Our classrooms are equipped with a projector and sound system. We do have wireless internet in the whole building. You can use our computer lab, writing center, dining hall, medical center, parking lot, service buses, and library whenever you need.  As part of school facilities, you may also use the health club on the main campus.

 You are so lucky to be in the heart of Istanbul. The location is amazing, you can go everywhere easily or enjoy the historic building.

What are the course goals?

You are required to pass the YDS (Yabancı Dil Seviye Belirleme Sınavıdır), and we  have  3 months, during which we will be brushing up on grammar points and practicing a lot. 

What do you need?

We provide all the handouts, but you are required to gain the books. What you need to do is to follow lessons and complete assignments. If you need additional source, please feel free to use our library or ask for help. You will be also provided online exercises upon your request.

  • Please feel free to contact me when you need help. My e-mail address is   sivilh@itu.edu.tr


a)       Genelde yaptığımız işleri,  alışkanlıklarımızı anlatırız  ve  always, sometimes, never, often vb. sıklık bildiren zarfların yanı sıra, every day, every month, every year, every summer gibi zaman zarflarım sıkça kullanırız.
What time do you usually get up?
I usually get up at seven o'clock.
Does she always get up early?
Not always. She sometimes gets up very late.
How often do you go to the cinema?
I go to the cinema every weekend/once a week/twice a month/three times a year etc.
How often does your brother write to you?
      He writes to me very often.
b)        Frequency Adverbs ( Sıklık bildiren zaman zarfları)

always                                                                        all the time ( hep, her zaman )

almost always/nearly always                           nearly all the time (hemen hemen her zaman)
very often                                                          (çok sık)

usually                                                               generally ( genellikle )

often                                                                   frequently ( sık sık )

sometimes                                                           occasionally, from time to time (bazen,ara sıra)

rarely                                                                 seldom ( ender, nadiren, seyrek
hardly ever                                                          almost never (hemen hemen hiç )

never                                                                  ( hiç,hiç bir zaman, asla )

NOTE:  always  cümle başında yer almaz.
Olumsuz anlam taşıyan sıklık zarflan (rarely , seldom , hardly ever, scarcely ever and never) cümlenin başına geldiği zaman cümle devrik olur.

I never eat fish.                                                    Never do I eat fish.

He rarely smokes.                                                Rarely does he smoke.

You seldom make mistakes.                             Seldom do you make mistakes.

She scarcely ever visits us.                                 Scarcely ever does she visit us.
ever olumlu veya olumsuz soruda kullanılır ve 'hiç' anlamını verir. Olumsuz cevapta 'hiç' demek için 'do not ever' yerine 'never' kullanılır.
Do you ever smoke?                                 — Don't you ever help your mother?
No, I never smoke.                                    Yes, I help her when I have time.
c)        Doğa kanunlarını, her zaman geçerliliği  olan doğruları ve  genellemeleri bu tense ile ifade ederiz.
Diamond is a precious stone. /Water consists of oxygen and hydrogen.             The world revolves round the sun. /Plants need water in order to grow.        Water boils at 100° C. /Wood floats in water but iron sinks.
d)         'What do you do?' sorusu    kişinin    neyle uğraştığını, işini sorar. Yani 'What is your Job/occupation? sorusu ile aynı anlamdadır.
What do you do?                                       — What does your father do?
I'm a teacher.                                              He is an accountant.
'What do you do?' sorusunu bir zaman zarfıyla kullanırsak, 'sözü edilen zamanda ne yaparsın'
anlamına gelir.
What do you do at the weekends?         — What does your father do in the evenings?
— I usually meet friends.                              He reads his newspaper or watches television.

e)            Why don't you..............? kalıbı birine öneri getirirken kullanılır.
I have a headache.                                    —We have nothing to eat at home.
Why don't you take a tablet?                  Why don't we go out for dinner?

f)         Sinema, tiyatro gibi etkinliklerin başlama ve bitiş saatlerini, ders programlarını ya da uçak, tren, otobüs tarifelerini belirtirken, geniş zamanı gelecek zaman anlamıyla kullanabiliriz.
The buses start at 6 a.m. and stop at 12 p.m. every day. (simple present)The train to Ankara leaves at 9 a.m. tomorrow and arrives there at 6 p.m.     (future)Our classes usually begin at 9 and finish at 12. (simple present)

a)   Bu  tense  ile temel   olarak  içinde  bulunduğumuz arıda yapmakta olduğumuz eylemleri  anlatırız. Zamanı pekiştirmek için ise now, right now, at the moment, at present, still gibi zaman zarflan kullanırız.

Mother is in the kitchen now. She is cooking dinner.
Where is your sister?   I think she is writing a letter in her room. Listen! They are talking about us. Can you hear what they are saying?
b)   Konuşmanın geçtiği sırada eylemi yapıyor olmasak bile, o sıralarda yapmakta olduğumuz işleri de bu tense ile anlatırız ve nowadays, these days, this term, this year, this month, this semestre, at the moment ( "şu sıralar" anlamında ) gibi zaman zarfları kullanırız.
How many courses are you taking this term?
I'm taking five courses.
I haven't seen Peter recently. Have you?
No, but I talked to him on the phone last Saturday. He is very busy these days.     He is redecorating his house by himself.
c)        Değişmekte olan durumları, olayları bu tense ile anlatırız.
"Everything is expensive. (Her şey pahalı.)" cümlesi, fiyatların o anki durumunu anlatır. Fakat,
"Everything is getting more and more expensive. (Her şey gittikçe pahalılaşıyor.)" ifadesi, fiyatların sürekli değiştiğini, yükseldiğini gösterir.
It is cold. ( Hava soğuk.)
It is getting colder. ( Hava gittikçe soğuyor.)
The economic situation in Turkey is very bad. (Türkiye'nin ekonomik durumu çok kötü.)
The economic situation in Turkey is getting worse. (Türkiye'nin ekonomik durumu gittikçe kötüleşiyor.)
d)       Bu  tense'i,   tomorrow,   next  week,   next  year,   next  summer  gibi gelecek zaman     zarflarıyla, gelecekte yapmayı planladığımız eylemleri anlatmak için kullanırız.
I'm meeting Ann next Saturday.
They are giving a party next month.           
 She is leaving Istanbul in two days.


think *














possess                   have *                    own




see *                          hear                           smell*

taste *                       feel *



look *

weigh *

be *


consist of

*Yanında yıldız olan fiiller, farklı bir anlamı taşıdıkları zaman, sürerlik bildiren tense'lerle kullanılırlar.

think    'sanmak, zannetmek'    anlamındaysa progressive tense'lerle kullanılmaz; 'düşünmek' anlamındaysa kullanılır.
I think she is a student.
I think they will visit us next week.
I'm thinking about going abroad next year.
She isn't, listening to the lesson now. She is thinking about her family.

see   'görmek' anlamındaysa ' -ing' almaz; 'görüşmek ' anlamındaysa ' -ing ' alır.
Right now, I'm looking out of the window. I see a lot of cars in the street and lots of people.
The doctor is seeing his patient now.
The manager is seeing one of the applicants now.

smell 'kokmak' anlamındaysa ' -ing' almaz; 'koklamak' anlamındaysa ' -ing' alır.

This perfume smells very nice.
These flowers smell awful. I can't keep them in the kitchen.                                      Look! Mother is smelling the flowers. 
have *     sahiplik bildiriyorsa, progressive tense'lerle kullanılmaz. Ancak, başka bir sözcükle birleşip eylem bildiriyorsa kullanılır.
Sorry, I can't lend you any money, because I don't have much now.               She has two brothers.
She is having breakfast now:
Father can't come to the phone. He is having a bath right now.
taste   Bir nesnenin tadından söz ediyorsak '-ing' almaz: 'tadına bakmak' anlamındaysa alır.
This soup tastes awful. I can't eat it. (Çorbanın tadı berbat.) The dinner looks bad but tastes delicious.
(Yemeğin görüntüsü kötü ama tadı güzel.)
What are you doing here in the kitchen?         I'm tasting the meal.
feel      Bir   nesnenin   bize   verdiği   duyguyu   ifade   ediyorsa   ya   da   'sezinlemek,   ummak' anlamındaysa  '-ing'  almaz.
This pillow feels very hard. (=This pillow is very hard. /Bu yastık çok sert.)I feel something bad will happen.          (Kötü bir şeylerin olacağını hissediyorum/sezinliyorum.)
'hissetmek' anlamındaysa ' -ing '  alabilir.
I feel better today, = I’m feeling better today. ( Bugün kendimi iyi hissediyorum. )
look     'gibi görünmek' anlamındaysa ' -ing '  almaz; 'bakmak'  anlamındaysa   ' -ing '  alır.
You look ill. You'd better go home and take a rest. That ladder doesn't look safe.
Why are you looking out of the window? Is there something interesting?
I'm looking at you carefully but I don't understand what you are trying to do.
* Sahiplik bildiren 'have, has' ' have got, has got ' biçiminde de kullanılır.

I have two sisters.
I don't have any brothers.
She has a car.
She doesn't have a bike.
Do you have any nephews?
Yes, I do.
No, I don't.
Does she have a boat?
Yes, she does.
No, she doesn't.
I have got two sisters.
I haven't got any brothers.
She has got a car.
She hasn't got a bike.
Have you got any nephews?
Yes, I have.
No, I haven't.
Has she got a boat?
Yes, she has.
No, she hasn’t.
appear  'gibi görünmek' anlamındaysa '-ing' almaz:  'ortaya çıkmak' anlamındaysa '-ing ' alır.
The teacher appears to be in a bad mood today.        She appears to be bored with the film.
Look! Ali is appearing from where he has hidden.
weigh    Bir nesnenin ağırlığını söylerken  '-ing'  almaz; 'tartmak'  anlamındaysa  '-ing'  alır.
The baby is getting fatter. She weighs six kilograms. The butcher is weighing the meat now.
be         'be'   fiilinin present biçiminin am, is, are   olduğunu ve 'şimdiki zaman'  ve 'geniş zaman' için aynı biçimde kullanıldığım daha önce ifade etmiştik.
I am hungry. I want to eat something.  (now)
When I am very tense, I prefer to have a walk to relax.    (general)
'be'    fiili, konuşmanın geçtiği sırada bir değişimi vurguluyorsa, bazı sıfatlarla Şimdiki Zaman yapısıyla  ( am/is/are being) kullanılır.
‘You are very rude.'  (Çok kabasın.)   ifadesi kişinin genelde kaba biri olduğunu belirtir.
'You are being rude.' (Kabalaşıyorsun.)    ifadesi ise kişinin konuşma sırasında kaba davrandığını belirtir. 'Kabalık' genel bir özelliği olmayabilir.
c)         'live'   fiili ile sürekli oturduğumuz yeri ifade ediyorsak, geniş zaman kullanılır.
Where do you live?                                             — Where do your parents live?
I live in Istanbul.                                                 They live in Germany.
Ancak, geçici olarak ikamet ettiğimiz yeri şimdiki zamanla belirtiriz.
I moved to Istanbul only two weeks ago, and I'm living with my relatives for the time being.

 Bu tense'i  geçmişte yaptığımız eylemleri, olayları ve durumları anlatırken kullanırız. Yesterday, last night, last week, last summer, half an hour ago, ten days ago, two years ago vb. bu tense ile sıkça kullandığımız zaman zarflarıdır.
I became a teacher eight years ago.
Where did you go on holiday last summer?
He didn't play football last Sunday because he was ill.
She left the country a few months ago.
  •     Düzenli ( regular ) fiillerin past biçimi.fiilin yalın haline "-ed " eklenerek elde edilir.

Present                  :    want             stay              study          shave
Past                        :    wanted         stayed          studied        shaved
  •    "be" fiilinin past biçimi "was, were" biçimindedir.

I lived in a village when I was a child.
She was late for work yesterday, so her boss was angry with her.
We were at home last night.
  •   Düzenli fiillerin "- ed" takısını almasıyla ilgili yazım kuralları şöyledir:

I)   Çoğu düzenli fiil -ed alır.
talk - talked                            govern - governed              roar - roared
walk - walked                         seem - seemed                    roam - roamed
II) Bir sessiz+bir sesli+bir sessiz harften oluşan kısa fiillerde, sondaki sessiz harf çift yazılır.
grab - grabbed                        stop - stopped                     beg - begged
ban - banned                          slim - slimmed                   rob - robbed
III) Sonu -e ile bitenler sadece -d takısı alır.
gaze - gazed                            stare - stared                      like - liked
smile - smiled                          hate - hated                        save - saved
IV) Sonu bir sessiz harf+y ile bitenlerde - y, - i olur, ondan sonra - ed eklenir.
try - tried                                  cry - cried                           apply - applied
dry - dried                            fry - fried                              study - studied
- y   den önce bir sesli harf varsa yazımda değişildik olmaz.
play - played                           delay - delayed                   betray - betrayed
pray - prayed                          decay - decayed                  spray sprayed

a) raise, raised, raised (transitive)
The supermarket raised its prices twice last week.

b) rise, rose, risen (intransitive)
 Prices rose three times last week.

c) arouse, aroused, aroused (transitive)
The man's peculiar behaviour aroused the police's suspicion.

d) arise, arose, arisen (intransitive)
Their suspicion arose because of the man's peculiar behaviour.

e) set, set, set (transitive)
We set the chair at the head of the table.

f)   sit, sat, sat (intransitive)
My father sat at the head of the table
g) lay, laid, laid (transitive)
We laid the carpet after we'd painted the walls.

h) lie,* lay, lain (intransitive)
I lay on the sofa after dinner and went to sleep.

i)   bind, bound, bound (tie up)
He bound the dog to the fence with a long rope.

j)  bound, bounded, bounded (1. border   2. jump)
Luxembourg is bounded by Belgium,           Germany and France.
The dog was bounding across the field.

k) find, found, found
I found your pen on top of the fridge
l)   found, founded, founded (establish)
Mao Tse-Tung founded the People's Republic of China.

m) grind, ground, ground (crush, into powder)
In the past people ground wheat into Hour using large stones.

n) ground, grounded, grounded (compel to stay on the around)
The authorities grounded the plane for safety checks.

o) wind, wound, wound (twist, turn)
He wound the string into a tight ball.

p) wound, wounded, wounded (injure)
The gun shots wounded several people.

q) fall, fell, fallen
She fell as she was getting off the bus
r)  fell, felled, felled (cut down)
They felled the tree because it was getting too big.

s)  see, saw, seen
They saw an accident, while driving to work.

t)  saw, sawed, sawed/sawn (cut with a saw)
He sawed the wood into equal lengths.

u) hang, hung, hung (suspend something)
They hung a flag from the window for Republic Day.

v) hang, hanged, hanged (kill someone by hanging)
The leader of the Pakistani military coup, General Zia ul-Huq, hanged the President, Bhutto, in 1979

* Lie "yalan söylemek" anlamındaysa, düzenli bir fiildir: She lied to us about her coming late.

Simple Present ve Simple Past tense'lerle. normalde, olumlu cümlede "do/does, did" kullanılmaz. Ancak vurguyu artırmak için bu yardımcı fiilleri olumlu cümlede kullanabiliriz. Bu durumda her iki tense ile de asıl fiil yalın haliyle kullanılır.
Your brother doesn't like fish, does he? Yes, he does like fish.
You don't help your mother with the housework, do you? Yes, I do help my mother whenever I have time.
You didn't go to school yesterday, did you? Yes, I did go to school yesterday.

a)        Bu tense'i, geçmişte belli bir noktada yapmakta olduğumuz eylemleri anlatırken kullanırız
This time last year, this time last winter, at this hour yesterday, yesterday at 3 o'clock ....      
This time last summer, I was lying on the beach in Bodrum, but now I'm working hard to finish this project
What were you doing at noon last Saturday?                        I was playing football with friends.
b)        Past Continuous (I was doing) ile Past Tense (I did) arasındaki kullanım farkına dikkat ediniz.
Eğer, geçmişte tamamladığımız bir eylemden sözediyorsak Simple Past Tense kullanırız. 
What did you do last night?
I watched television first, then studied English.
Eğer, geçmişte tamamladığımız bir eylemi değil de, sözü edilen zamanda yapmakta olduğumuz işi anlatıyorsak, Past Continuous Tense kullanılır. (Önemli olan "Ne yaptım?" değil, "Ne yapıyordum?" dur. )
What were your parents doing when you got home last night?   They were waiting for me to eat dinner with them.
c)        Sürerlilik    bildiren    tense'Ierle    kullanılmayan    fiiller    (non-progressive    verbs),    Past Continuous Tense ile de kullanılmazlar.
I already knew the news about him.
( Ben onunla ilgili haberi zaten biliyordum.)
She thought that I would go to the party as well.
( Partiye benim de gideceğimi zannediyordu.)
The flowers looked nice yesterday, but now they are fading.
d)        Geçmişteki alışkanlıklarımızı ya da sık   sık yaptığımız eylemleri Simple Past Tense ile
When he was young, he played football in the school team.                    ( general in the past)
When I saw him yesterday, he was playing football.               (a specific point in the past)
e)        Geçmişte bir eylemi, başlangıç ve bitiş zamanını   belirterek anlatıyorsak, Past Continuous Tense kullanırız. (Bu tür cümlelerde Simple Past Tense kullanmak da mümkündür.)
I was watching a film on television from nine until eleven last night.                   
 He was working as an accountant from 1985 to 1989.
f)        WHEN   and WHILE    SENTENCES
Past Continuous Tense "when" ve "while" cümlelerinde çok sık kullanılan bir tense'dir. Geçmişte devam etmekte olan bir eylem sırasında bir başka eylem olmuşsa, bu durumu şu cümlelerle ifade ederiz.
I was eating dinner when the guests arrived.
( Konuklar geldiğinde yemek yiyordum.)                 
I hurt my leg while I was playing football.              
( Futbol oynarken bacağımı incittim. )

I-       "When" ile kurulmuş bir zarf cümleciği (adverbial clause), genellikle temel cümledeki (main clause) eylemin devam etmekte olduğu zamanı açıklar. "Bir eylem olduğunda bir başka eylem oluyordu" biçiminde bir anlam taşır.Bu nedenle "when" in bağlı bulunduğu cümlede Simple Past, temel cümlede ise Past Continuous kullanılır.
        When he came,                    I was studying. ( O geldiğinde ben ders çalışıyordum.)
            adverbial                                        main
         clause                                                 claus

I was reading when he came.            
 When I went out, it was raining.
They were arguing when I entered the (Ben içeri girdiğimde, tartışıyorlardı.)

               When   +   Simple Past   ,   Past Continuous

II-      "Whenarka arkaya yapılmış eylemleri anlatmak için de kullanılır. Bu durumda her iki cümlenin de tense'i Simple Past'dır.

When he
arrived, we went into the cinema.( First he came. Then we entered the cinema.)     
(O gelince, sinemaya girdik.)
When he
left work, he got on a bus and went home.When the teacher asked a question, I raised my hand to answer it.

                When   +   Simple Past   ,   Simple   Past


I-      "While" cümleciği genellikle, temel cümledeki eylem sırasında devam etmekte olan bir başka eylemi anlatmak için kullanılır. Bu nedenle, "while" m bağlı bulunduğu cümle Past Continuous, temel cümle ise Simple Past'dır.
         While I was studying,                   He came in. ( Ben ders çalışırken o geldi.)
   adverbial                                  main
            clause                                    clause

I left home while my parents were sleeping.
I took a photograph while you weren't looking.

         While   +   Past Continuous   ,   Simple   Past
II-      "While"   cümleciği, temel cümledeki eylemle aynı anda olan bir eylemi anlatmak için de kullanılır. Bu durumda her iki cümle de Simple Past Tense ile kurulur.
sang while I washed the dishes. ( Bulaşıkları yıkarken şarkı söyledim.)She watched me while I made the cake. ( Kek yaparken beni izledi.)I waited outside while she had an interview. (O görüşme yaparken ben dışarıda bekledim.)

                         While   +   Simple  Past ,   Simple   Past

III-    "While" birbirine paralel devam eden iki eylemi anlatmak için de kullanılır.

While the teacher was lecturing, the students were talking among  themselves. (Öğretmen   ders   anlatırken   öğrenciler   kendi   aralarında konuşuyorlardı.)

I was studying while everybody at home was sleeping. (Evde herkes uyurken ben ders çalışıyordum.)

                        While   +   Past Continuous,   Past Continuous

IV-     "While" ile aynı anlamı veren bir diğer bağlaç “as” dir.
While I was coming here, 1 ran into an old friend.
As I was coming here, I ran into an old friend.
I had a look at the old magazines while / as I waited at the doctor's.
"Just as", daha vurgulu bir anlatımdır.
The postman came just as I was leaving home.       (Tam ben evden çıkarken, postacı geldi.) Just as I sat down at the table, the phone rang.             (Tam masaya oturdum ki telefon çaldı.)
a)         Geçmişte yaptığımız eylemleri zaman vermeden anlatıyorsak, bu tense'i kullanırız.
She has removed all the furniture in the house. They have painted their house.

Ancak, aynı eylemleri zamanı belirterek ifade
edersek, Simple Past kullanmamız gerekir.
She removed all the furniture in the house last weekend.          
They painted their house a few weeks ago.

Geçmişte yaptığımız eylem için zaman zarfı kullanmasak bile, eğer zamanı ima ediyorsak, yine
Simple Past kullanırız.
I saw that film when I was in Ankara."    cümlesinde kesin olarak bir zaman vermesek de 'when I was in Ankara'  geçmişte belli bir dönemi ifade etmektedir.I went shopping after work.    ("after work"   yine belli bir zamanı belirtmektedir.)
I met him in İzmir. ("in İzmir" ifadesi yer belirtmesine karşın,"İzmir'de bulunduğum dönemde"  anlamını ima etmektedir.)
Present Perfect Tense ile sorulan sorulara yanıt verirken, yine bu kurallara dikkat etmeliyiz.
"Have you met his girlfriend?" sorusuna bir kaç şekilde yanıt verebiliriz.                  Yes, I have. (or No, I haven't.)
Yes. I met her last week.  ( or I met her at Alice's party.)

Have you seen my glasses?       
Yes, I have.  ( or No, I haven't.)
Yes, I saw them on the kitchen table a few minutes ago.
b)        Yakın geçmişte olup sonuçları ya da etkileri içinde bulunduğumuz anda devam eden eylemler için bu tense'i kullanırız.

I have burnt myself.
(I'm in pain now. — Şu anda acı çekiyorum.)

cleaned the house. (It's clean now.)
c)        Today, this morning, this week, this month, this year, this century vb., henüz
tamamlanmamış bir dönem ifade eden zarflarla kullanılır.
I've been to the cinema twice this week.
I haven't been able to go on holiday this year.
Technology has advanced greatly in this century.
"This morning", "this afternoon" ve "this evening" ifadelerini kullanırken, saat kavramına dikkat edelim.
Genellikle  saat   13.00'e  kadar  olan süre  sabah  (morning),   17.00'ye  kadar  öğleden  sonra (afternoon), 17.00-20.00  arası ise akşam (evening)  saatlerini bildirir. 
d)       Lately, recently ile kullanımı:
"Son   zamanlarda,   son   günlerde"   anlamına  gelen   lately   ve   recently,   Present   Perfect   ile kullanıldığında, yine kesin bir zaman belirtmeden, yaptığımız ya da yapmadığımız işleri anlatır.
Have you seen your parents recently?
There has been great progress in the science of medicine recently.
There have been some changes in my house lately.
"Recently", Simple Past Tense ile de kullanılır ve "a short time ago"   anlamını verir.
They came recently. (They came a short time ago.)
She passed her exam only recently. (She passed her exam only a short time ago.)
e)       Already, just ve yet ile kullanımı:
"Yet” soruda ve olumsuz cümlede kullanılır ve normal olarak cümlenin sonunda yer alır.
Have you finished your homework yet?                  No, I haven't finished it yet.
Is your father at home?          No, he hasn't come yet.
"Just",  olumlu cümlede kullanılır ve "henüz, şimdi, yenice" anlamını verir. "Just" cümlede, yardımcı fiille asıl fiil arasında yer alır.
Have you finished your homework?            Yes, I've just finished it.
Is the manager in? No, he has just gone out.
"Already", olumlu cümlede kullanılır ve "zaten, çoktan" anlamına gelir. Bir eylemin umulandan daha önce bir zamanda yapılmış olduğunu vurgular. Cümle içindeki yeri normalde yardımcı fiil ile asıl fiil arasındadır, ancak cümle sonunda da kullanılır.
Shall we go to see the film "Schindler's List" tonight? Not a good idea! I have already seen it.
Manager: Don't forget to mail the invitations in time. Secretary: I've already posted them.
Mother: Wash your hands before you sit at the table. Son: I've washed them already.
f)        Ever, never, all my life, in his life, always, occasionally, often, several times, once, twice, etc. gibi zarflarla kullanımı:
Daha önce, sıklık bildiren zarfların (ever, never, always, often, etc.) Geniş Zaman ile (Simple Present) kullanımını görmüştük. Aynı zarflar, anlamda biraz bir değişiklikle, Present Perfect Tense ile de kullanılır.

always get up early. (Simple Present Ben her zaman erken kalkarım. "Bugüne kadar hep  erken kalktım. Bundan sonra da büyük bir olasılıkla erken kalkacağım. Bu benim alışkanlığım."  anlamını verir.)
I have
always got up early. (Present   Perfect   —   "Ben   her   zaman   erken   kalkmışımdır."   ifadesi, yaşamımın sadece şu ana kadar olan bölümünü kapsar.)
My father has
always lived in his hometown.         (He has lived in his hometown all his life.)I've never seen such a pretty dog in my life.Have you ever ridden on an elephant? No, I've ridden on a camel once, but I've never ridden on an elephant.
Once, twice, three times, several times, many times (bir kez, iki kez, üç kez, bir kaç kez, pek çok kez) gibi zarflarla, bir eylemi yaşamımız boyunca kaç kez yaptığımızı ifade etmek için Present Perfect Tense kullanırız.
Have you ever been abroad? Yes, I've been to Germany several times.
She has invited me to her house many times, but I've never had any   spare time.
I've seen her parents only once.

NOTE:   Bu zarfların Simple Past Tense ile kullanımına dikkat ediniz.
"She has invited me to her house many times, but I've never had any spare time.” cümlesini, geçmişte zamanı belirterek verirsek, Simple Past kullanmamız gerekir.

She invited me to her house many times during my stay in Germany,  but I never had any spare time.
"My father has lived in his hometown all his life."
cümlesinden,   babamın hayatta olduğu anlamını çıkarıyoruz.  Artık hayatta olmayan birinin yaptığı işlerden söz ediyorsak. Simple Past Tense kullanmamız gerekir.
My grandfather lived in his hometown all his life. (He is dead now.)
I have never flown in an aeroplane.
My grandmother never flew in an aeroplane. (She isn't alive any more.)
I have ridden on a camel twice. It is very exciting.
When I was in Egypt, I rode on a camel twice. It was very exciting.
g)       So far (up to now, until now) ile kullanımı:
"So far",  "şu  ana kadar" anlamına gelir ve so far today,  so far this month, so far this semestre, so far this summer, etc. gibi zarflarla birlikte de kullanılabilir.
It hasn't snowed so far this winter.
I got many bad grades last semestre, but I haven't had any low grades so far this semestre.
We haven't eaten anything so far today.
So far this summer, I have swum in the sea only once.
h)       For ve Since ile kullanımı:
"For",  geçmişte belli bir noktadan içinde bulunduğumuz ana kadar devam eden bir süreç                             bildirir, (for two years, for a month, for five minutes, for a long time, etc.)
                  He has been the manager for three months.

"Since", eylemin geçmişte başlangıç noktasını belirtir, ("since yesterday, since 1987, since March, since the Middle Ages, etc.)
He has been the manager since January.
         It is a period of time since Simple Past/Present Perfect

It is three months since I last went to the cinema.                                                
It is three months since I have been to the cinema.


This is the first time   Present Perfect

I'm very excited now, because this is the first time I've driven a car.
This is the second time he has played tennis. That's why he isn't good  at it.
You shouldn't drink so much coffee. It's bad for you. This is the fifth cup of coffee you have drunk in the last two hours.
This is the third exam we have taken so far this term.

This is Superlative   Present Perfect


This is the most boring book I have ever read. (Bu hayatımda okuduğum en sıkıcı kitap.)
This is the most difficult situation I have ever been in.
He is the most talkative person I have met in my life.

1)         gone   or    been
"go" fiilini Perfect Tense ile iki şekilde kullanabiliriz:
Eğer kişi, sözü edilen yerde ise, ya da sözü  edilen yere gitmek üzere kullanılır.

I'd like to talk to your mother. Is she at home?     No, she has gone shopping.
Can I speak to Mr. Jones, please?
Sorry. He has gone out of town and hasn't come back yet.
Eğer kişi, sözü edilen yerde daha önce bulunduğunu ifade ediyorsa, yani konuşma sırasında başka bir mekanda ise been kullanılır.
Have you ever been abroad?
Yes, I have been to Germany several times.
(The speakers are now not in Germany.)
I want to do some shopping, but I'm afraid I haven't got enough money.
Don't worry. I have been to the bank today. I can lend you some.
a)         Present Perfect Continuous Tense, geçmişte başlayıp, içinde bulunduğumuz anda hala devam etmekte olan eylemleri anlatır ve for, since, all day, all week, all year gibi zaman zarflayla çok sık kullanılır.
I started to read this book two hours ago, and I'm still reading it.            
 I have been reading this book for two hours.

It started to rain yesterday morning, and it is still raining.            
 It has been raining since yesterday morning.

You have been working very hard all week. You should take some time to relax at the weekend.

The discussion has been going on for two hours, but they haven't taken a decision vet.

b)       Present Perfect Continuous Tense, geçmişte başlamış, içinde bulunduğumuz anda henüz bilmiş, ancak belirtileri devam eden eylemler için de kullanılır.
Is that child crying?
No, but his eyes are watery. He has been crying.

Your hands are covered in oil. What have you been doing?    
I have been fixing the car.

You look very tired. Yes, I have been working hard today.

Sorry, I'm late.
Have you been waiting long?
c)        "Since" ve "for" ile belirtilen zamanları "how long" soru sözcüğü ile sorabiliriz. Present Perfect Simple ve Continuous tense'ler, geçmişten günümüze bir süreç belirttiği için, kesin bir zaman isteyen "when" soru sözcüğünü bu tense'lerle kullanamayız.
When did you move to this city?                I moved here seven years ago.

How long have you been living in this city?    I have been living here for seven years.

When did you become a teacher? (Ne zaman öğretmen oldunuz?)  I became a teacher in 1986.How long have you been a teacher? (Ne zamandır öğretmensiniz?)   I have been a teacher since 1986.
a)        Geçmişte başlayıp, içinde bulunduğumuz anda hala devam etmekte olan, ya da henüz bitmiş olan bir eylemi anlatan bazı fiiller, her iki lense ile de kullanılır ve aynı anlamı verir. Bu şekilde yaygın olarak kullanılan fiiller şunlardır:
expect             lie                     rain                 snow               study            want
hope                live                   sleep                stand               teach            work                           learn               look                 sit                     stay                 wait

How long have you lived in this city?                   
How long have you been living in this city?

She has worked for that firm for the last two years.
She has been working for that firm for the last two years.
b)        Continuous    Tense'lerle    (l    am   doing,    I    was    doing)    kullanılmayan    diğer    fiiller (non-progressive verbs) Present Perfect Continuous ile de kullanılmazlar. Ancak, "want" ve "wishbu kuralın dışındadır.
Look at that lovely shirt in the shop window! I've been wanting one like that for some time.
I've been wishing to visit your mother since I heard that she was ill.

Diğer non-progressive fiiller ise Present Perfect Simple ile kullanılır.
c)         Present Perfect Continuous Tense, always, never, sometimes gibi sıklık bildiren zarflarla, once, twice, several times gibi eylemin kaç kez yapıldığını bildiren yapılarla, ya da just, already, yet gibi eylemin bittiğini, tamamlandığını ifade eden yapılarla kullanılmaz.
I have always lived here. / I have lived here all my life.                        
 I have been living here since I was born.
I've been reading this book since this morning, and I've read a hundred pages so far.(Okuma eylemi devam ettiği için "have been reading, yüz sayfalık bölümü tamamlanmış olduğu için "have read" )

a)        Past Perfect Tense, Present Perfect Tense'in past biçimidir.
Present   :     I am not hungry. I have just eaten.
Past        :    When I went home, I wasn't hungry, because I had just
Present   :    I have never seen a kangaroo before.
Past        :    When I went to Australia last year, I saw a kangaroo
there. I had never seen a kangaroo before.
Present   :    I don't want to see that film. I've already seen it.
Past        :    I didn't want to go to the cinema with my friends. I had
already seen
the film.
Present   :    I can't go out with you now. My daughter hasn't come
back from school yet.
Past        :    I couldn't go out with them, because my daughter hadn't
back from school yet.

b)      Since, for, always, etc. gibi zarflarla kullanımı:

Since, for, always gibi zarfların, Present Perfect Tense (I have done) ile kullanıldığını ve   geçmişte   başlayıp   içinde   bulunduğumuz   ana   kadar   devam   eden   ya   da   içinde bulunduğumuz anda da devam etmekle olan eylemleri ifade ettiğini görmüştük. Since, for, always gibi zarflar, Past Perfect Tense (I had done )   ile de kullanılır. Ancak bu kez, geçmişte başlayıp yine geçmişte bir noktaya kadar devam etmiş olan eylemleri anlatır.
He has been our assistant manager for three years. Before that, he had worked for us as a clerk for two years.

c)        Past Perfect Tense, geçmişte belli bir noktada olmuş olaylardan söz ederken, daha geçmişte olmuş olayları vurgulamak için de kullanılır.

           When I saw her again ten years later, I found her greatly changed, both physically and mentally. She had dyed her hair blond and had got thinner. She had left her parents and had started to earn her own living.

Bazı durumlarda ise Simple Past yada  Past Perfect   kullanılması anlam değişikliğine yol açar.
1)   When we arrived at the farm house, I warned her to beware of the dog. (Çiftlik evine varınca, köpeğe dikkat etmesi için onu uyardım.)
2)   When we arrived at the farm house, she was cautious. I had warned her to beware of the dog. ( Çiftlik evine vardığımızda, tedbirliydi. Köpeğe dikkat etmesi için onu uyarmıştım.)
( Bu tense'lerin Zaman Bağlaçlarıyla kullanımı )

a)      With after:

After       +       Past Perfect,     Simple Past
                                        Simple Past

After she had graduated from university, she went to England.
After we had travelled on a coach (or ten straight hours, we continued our journey by horse to get to the mountain village.
b)       With before:

Before       +      Simple Past,       Past Perfect
                                                      Simple Past

Before she came to live in this city, she had lived in İzmir.
Before she came to live in this city, she lived in İzmir.

c)        With   till / until:

Till/until       +      Simple Past,       Simple Past
                              Past Perfect                              

I didn't interrupt him until/till he   finished     his speech.
                                                         had finished
I didn't speak to him until/till he   spoke     to me.
                                                        had spoken
"Till/Until" ile kurulmuş bir cümlede, Past Perfect Tense'in never, always, once, in his life gibi zarflarla kullanımını göz önüne alarak, temel cümlede Past Perfect kullanmak mümkündür.
I had never seen a kangaroo until I saw one in Australia last year.
The teacher had always been patient with us until we made her furious yesterday.

d)        With   as soon as:

              As soon as     +   Past Perfect,    Simple Past
                           Simple Past

As soon as the guests left/ had left, I went straight to bed.
I went to see her as soon as I heard / had heard the news.

e)       With  when:
"When", kullanırken dikkat edilmesi gereken bağlaçlardan biridir. Çünkü, kullandığımız tense' e göre, eylemlerin birbirleriyle olan ilişkisi farklılık gösterir, anlam değişir.
When he left home, I was washing the dishes. ( O evden çıktığında ben bulaşık yıkıyordum.)( I started to wash the dishes before he left, and hadn't yet finished when he was leaving.)
When he left home, I washed the dishes. ( O evden çıkınca, bulaşıkları yıkadım.)( I waited for him to leave home and then I started to wash the dishes.)
When he left home, I had washed the dishes. ( O evden çıktığında, ben bulaşıkları yıkamıştım. )( I started to wash the dishes and finished them before he left home.)

+  Simple Past
, was / were doing
+  Simple Past
, did
+  Simple Past
, had done

"Already, just, yet, hardly/scarcely" gibi zarfla "when" li bir cümlede kullandığımızda, temel cümle Past Perfect Tense gerektirir.
I hadn't yet replied to their letter when they came to visit me.
She had hardly entered the classroom when the exam started. (Sınav başladığında, o sınıfa henüz/yenice girmişti.)When we arrived there, the film had already started.

Eğer  "when" in bağlı bulunduğu cümledeki eylem, temel cümledeki eylemden daha önce olmuşsa, "when" li cümlede de Past Perfect kullanabiliriz.
When I had explained the subject to the class. I gave them a quiz.( First, I explained the subject. Then I gave them a quiz.)
When the workers had finished some part of their work, they sat down eat lunch.

f)        With by the time:
By the time             +  Simple Past            ,   Past Perfect

 By the time she came back. I had finished my work.
The film had already begun by the time we got to the cinema.We had already started to discuss the case by the time the manager came.
By the time the guests arrived, my mother had finished all the cooking. (Konuklar gelinceye kadar annem yemek pişirme işini bitirmişti.) 

By the time I got to the airport, my plane had taken off.
(The plane departed some time before my arrival, so I missed it.)
I went to the airport yesterday to see a friend of mine off. I stayed in the waiting lounge until the plane took off.
(I saw the plane take off and then I left the airport.)
Past Perfect Continuous Tense, tam olarak Present Perfect Continuous Tense'in past biçimidir. 
  • He had been sleeping for two hours when suddenly a noise woke him up in the middle of the night.
  • The two countries had been fighting for almost seven years when a peace treaty was signed between them.
  • The party had been going on for two hours when the lights suddenly went out.
  • When she decided to retire, she had been working as a teacher for fifteen years

Past Perfect Continuous Tense ile Past Continuous Tense arasındaki ayrıma dikkat ediniz.
1)   When I went home, he was    studying. (Ben eve gittiğimde o ders çalışıyordu.) (Past Cont.)
2)   When I went home, he had been studying  for two hours. (Ben eve gittiğimde o iki saattir ders çalışıyordu.) (Past Perfect Cont.)
Birinci cümledeki " was studying ", sadece "Den gittiğim anda ne yapıyordu?" sorusuna yanıt olabilir. İkinci cümledeki " had been studying " ise, "Ben gittiğimde yapmakta olduğu işi ne zamandır yapıyordu?" sorusunu yanıtlar.

NOTE:        "Since", Perfect Tense'lere özgü bir zarftır. Ancak, "for", diğer tense'lerle de kullanılır.
I'm going to Ankara for two weeks. (Şimdiki zamanın Gelecek zaman anlamıyla kullanımı)  İki haftalığına Ankara'ya gidiyorum.
I have worked for this company for seven years. (Present Perfect)              
 Yedi yıldır bu şirkette çalışıyorum.
I have been living here for eight years. (Present Perfect Continuous) Sekiz yıldır burada yaşıyorum.
When I resigned from my work, I had worked there for ten years. (Past Perfect.) İşimden istifa ettiğimde, on yıldır orada çalışıyordum.
When the guests arrived, I had been working in the kitchen for three hours.  (Past Perfect C.)   Konuklar   geldiğinde,   üç   saattir   mutfakta çalışıyordum.
Last year, I stayed in İzmir for a month. (Simple Past)                                  Geçen yıl bir ay İzmir'de kaldım.

FUTURE  TIME  ( will/shall  or  be going to )
Birinci tekil şahıs " I " ve  birinci çoğul şahıs "we"    için, "will"   yerine "shallde kullanılır.
We will/shall invite them to the party.
I will/shall help you with your homework.
"will not" ve "shall not" kısaltılarak "won't" ve "shan'tbiçiminde kullanılır.
They will not/won't come tomorrow.
We shall not/shan't go to the party.

"will"  ve "shallkısaltılarak   " ’ll "  biçiminde kullanılır.
 They'll visit us next week.    /     I'll eat dinner out tonight.

a)        Eğer geleceğe yönelik bir tahminde bulunuyorsak (prediction),  "will" yada "be going to"   kullanabiliriz.
There will / is going to be a rise in prices after the elections.
According to the weather report, it will / is going to snow tomorrow.
b)        Önceden  tasarlanmış, planlanmış bir durumdan söz ediyorsak ( prior plan ), "be going to" kullanmamız gerekir.
Why have you bought this material?
I'm going to make a skirt for myself.
c)        Henüz  öğrendiğimiz bir konuda yapmaya istekli olduğumuz bir durumu  (willingness), "willile ifade ederiz.
I don't have any money.
Don't worry. I'll lend you some.   (Üzülme. Ben sana veririm.)
Some guests are corning in two hours, and nothing is ready yet.
Don't worry. I'll wash the dishes and you can do the cooking.                        (Ben bulaşıkları yıkarım, sen yemeği pişirirsin.)
I have a headache.
Wait here. I'll bring a tablet for you. (Bekle sana bir hap getireyim.)
"will" in bu kullanımının Türkçe'ye çevirisine dikkat ediniz. Örneklerde de gördüğünüz gibi "will wash, will lend, will bring" ifadelerini "yıkayacağım, ödünç vereceğim, getireceğim" biçiminde değil, "yıkarım, ödünç veririm. getireyim"  biçiminde çevirdik.
d)        Eğer bir olayın olacağına ilişkin belirliler varsa, "going to" kullanılır.
The sky is black. It is going to rain.
There is a lot of blossom on the trees this spring. We are going to have a good crop.
e)        Bu tense'lerle yaygın olarak kullanılan zaman zarfları, tomorrow, next week, next month, next summer, in two days (iki gün sonra), in ten minutes (on dakika sonra), two days from now (iki gün sonra), five years from now (beş yıl sonra), soon ( az sonra, yakında) gibi zarflardır.
We will take an exam next week.
Tomorrow is a public holiday, so she won't go to work.
She will graduate in three years.
Two months from now, they will move into a new flat.
Ancak, içinde bulunduğumuz ana göre gelecek zaman ifade eden pek çok zarf, bu tense'lerle kullanılır.
(In the morning)
I'm going to do some shopping today. Do you need anything special?
I'm not going to have breakfast this morning.
f)        "am, is, are going to" nun past biçimi olarak "was, were; going to" kullanılır. Bu tense ile, geçmişte niyet ettiğimiz, planladığımız, ama çeşitli nedenlerle yapamadığımız eylemleri anlatırız.
I was going to visit my parents last night, but just as 1 was leaving home, some guests arrived, so I couldn't. (Dün akşam ailemi ziyaret edecektim ama ...........)
We were going to have a test yesterday, but we couldn't finish the unit, so we postponed the exam until next week. (Dün sınav olacaktık ama ...........)

"When, after, before, as soon as, etc." gibi zaman bağlaçlarının Past Tense ile kullanımını daha önce görmüştük. Şimdi bu bağlaçların Future Tense ile kullanımlarım inceliyelim.
First         :      I will do some shopping tomorrow.                                                                       Then        :      I will go to the cinema.
After I do some shopping tomorrow. I will go to the cinema.
First         :      She will talk to the teacher.
Then        :      She will leave school.
Before she leaves school tomorrow, she will talk to the teacher.
Yukarıdaki örneklerde gördüğünüz gibi, her iki eylem de gelecekte olmasına rağmen, yan cümlede "will" ya da "going to" kullanılmaz. Yan cümlede Simple Present Tense, temel cümlede ise "will" ya da "going to" kullanılır.



As soon as
+      Simple Present     ,      will or going to

Until, etc.

When she comes home, we will study together.
I will wait at home until my mother comes back from shopping.
We will leave home as soon as we finish our work.
I will decide what to do after I receive their letter.
She is going to phone us before she comes here.
Eğer, gelecekte bir eylemi tamamladıktan sonra diğerini yapacağımızı vurgulamak istiyorsak yan cümlede Simple Present yerine Present Perfect  kullanabiliriz.


As soon as
+    Present Perfect      ,        "will  or    going to



After I finish/have finished my work, I will go out.
She will leave İstanbul when she graduates/has graduated from school.
Will you wait for me until I complete/have completed my work?
"While"  da gelecek zaman yapılarıyla kullanılan bir bağlaçtır.
I'll take my son to the park tomorrow. I'll read my book while he is playing with his friends.
Will you take care of my flowers while I'm on holiday?
I'll wait for you outside the office while you are having your job interview.

 a)       Bu tense'i, gelecekte bir noktada yapıyor olacağımız eylemleri ifade etmek için kullanırız.
Don't call me tomorrow between ten and eleven I'll be having an interview then.
This time next year, you'll probably be attending university.
My plane departs at nine tomorrow, so I'll be flying to New York at this hour tomorrow.
b)        Bu tense'i birinden bir şey rica ederken de kullanabiliriz.
"Will you be going past the post office when you go out?"
'Yes. Why?"
"If so, can you post this letter for me?"
"Will you be using your bike tomorrow?"
"No, I don't think so."
"If not, can you lend it to me for the afternoon?"

Gelecekte bir noktada yapmış, tamamlamış olacağımız eylemleri bu tense ile ifade ederiz. By, before, in a week (or in a week's time), in ten days (or in ten days' time), in three years (or in three years' time) gibi zarflar, bu tense ile çok sık kullanılan zarflardır.
She will have graduated from university in two years.
She promises that she will have finished her report by tomorrow.
They will have completed the new school building by next year.
"By the time", "when" ve "before", bu tense ile sık kullanılan zaman bağlaçlarıdır.
  • I will have finished my homework by the time mother comes back.
  • Before this term is finished, you will have learnt most of the English grammar.

  • The children will have gone to bed when the guests arrive.

Gelecekte bir işi ne kadar zamandır yapıyor olacağımızı bu tense ile ifade ederiz. Yani gelecekte süreç bildiririz.
  • By next year, I will have been teaching English for nine years. 
  • Tomorrow, I will start work at   9 and finish at 12, so I will have been working for three hours by the time my last lesson is over.

***   "By the time"   yapısıyla   "be" fiilinin kullanımına dikkat ediniz. Normalde "by the time", temci cümlede Future Perfect gerektirir.
By the time they come, I will have eaten my dinner.
Ancak "befiilini, eğer süreç bildirmiyorsa, Simple Future  (will be)  ile kullanırız.
By the time they come, dinner will be over.
By the time he retires from his job, he will be sixty.
By the time we come bark from holiday, they will be married.
Eğer "be" fiilini, süreç bildiren bir ifadeyle birlikte kullanırsak, Future Perfect gerektirir.
By the time he retires from his job, he will have been in this city for twenty years.
By the time we come back from holiday, they will have been married for two months.

Zaman bağlaçları temel cümle ile yan cümle arasında "tense" uyuşması gerektirir.
"When I got home, ........................."     cümlesini   tamamlarken  getireceğimiz  yapılar mutlaka Past Time' a ait bir tense olmalıdır.
When I got home,    I had a bath and then ate my dinner.
I slept for three hours and then studied until midnight.
my son was sleeping.
my parents had eaten their dinner.
my son had been sleeping for two hours.
"When I get home after work, ..................... "  ifadesini, eğer genelde yaptığımız bir    işi
anlatmak   üzere    kullanıyorsak,   Present  Time'a   ait   bir   yapı   ile tamamlayabiliriz.
When I get home after work,    I usually take a rest for a while.
first of all, I play with my son for a while.
"When I get home after work tomorrow, ......................"    ifadesi ise lemel cümlede
mutlaka Future bir yapı gerektirmektedir. (Yan cümlede Future tense kullanılmamasına dikkat ediniz.)
When I get home after work tomorrow.   I will take a rest for a while.
my son will be sleeping.
my son will have been sleeping for two hours, our guests will have arrived.
I am going to sleep for two hours.


I play

Present Simple

-Regular activities / routine

Amy and Sue play tennis on Saturdays.

I am playing

Present Continuous

-Continuous present action

Amy and Sue are playing at the moment.
I have played
Present Perf.Simple

-Finished part of continuous action.

-Completed actions in unfinished
 time period.

-Recent events (unspecified time)

-Past action with a result in the

-Experiences up to now.

-Amy and Sue have played two sets.

-They have played several other matches
 this year.

-Their parents have just arrived.

-Sue has broken her racket so she can't

-They have played in many tournaments.
I have been
Present Perf. Cont.

Actions begun in the past which  continue today.
They have been playing tennis since

2 o'clock this afternoon.
I played
Past Simple

Finished actions at a specific time in the past.
Last Saturday Sue played in another tournament.
I  was playing
Past Continuous

Past continuous actions.

At 2.45 pm they were playing the second set.
I had played
Past Perfect Simple

Completed actions before a specific time or event in the past.

Two other people had played a match before Amy and Sue arrived.
I had been playing
Past Perfect Cont.

Continuous actions before a specific  time or event in the past.
At 4 pm they had been playing for 2 hours.
I will play
Future Simple


-Spontaneous decisions/offers
Amy will win the match today.

I'll lend you my racket!
I will be playing
Future Continuous
Continuous future action

Tomorrow they will be playing in another club.
I will have played
Future Perfect

Completed future action
By September they will have played ten matches.
I will have been playing
Future Perfect Cont.

Continuous future action estimated at a time in the future.

A 5 pm  Amy and Sue will have been playing for 3 hours.

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